West's Day

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West Gray

*West: It's been a while :)

*Ty: Shut up and narrate.

Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. DAMN!

I need to find that letter!

I rummaged through my books hoping to spot that blasted envelope while glancing at the hall every five minutes. If Naomi finds out about the photo shoot I'm doomed!

"Did you find anything Evan?" I asked the brunette going through the cabinets. "Still no sign of it," he answered.

Where could I have placed it? I don't remember where I last left it. The moment I saw it, I knew what was in it. Because whatever the twins send is always trouble. They sent me a message after a couple of minutes, asking if I received the blasted thing and reminding me about the photographer who will be expecting me.

Just thinking about it makes me shudder. All those clothes, makeup, and perfume. God, I hate the smell there. This is all because of Nathan and Nicholas Hills.

Stupid assholes.

I'm not a model. That's their job, not mine. And just because they have this other job which they prioritize, it doesn't mean that they can drag me into their shit as a replacement.

"Where else have you not searched?" asked Evan.

"Bathroom?" I said to myself before shaking my head. No, it wouldn't be there. Kitchen? We were just there with Ty and Alice and I didn't see anything.

"What about your room?" Evan asked.

"No, I searched that place first."


"That's where we are now, Evan."




"What about Nash---"


I jumped in surprise, and Evan actually screamed in surprise. My devil of a son sat on the floor right in front of us. His dark curls were clipped back by a large pink ribbon... must be my wife's doing. He wore a clean white bib around his neck, and his green eyes were wide with something I could only name as excitement. His ability to appear out of nowhere is still a mystery to me and everyone else, and I don't think anyone will ever find out.

"Now what are you doing here you little---"


I turned to Evan. "What?"

He pointed. "The letter!"

I looked sharply at the child and saw the blasted letter in his tiny little hands. "Nash you genius!" I exclaimed as I rushed and scooped the giggling little devil into my arms. I kissed his cheeks and triumphantly held the letter over our heads. "Finally! Now Naomi---"

"What about Naomi?" asked...Naomi...

I gave Evan the letter and made a shoo-ing motion while Nash started climbing my face. "Nothing dear."

She cocked her head in curiosity and made her way towards us. "Mah," Nash said with a frown. I'm guessing she made him take a bath. Nash was always sweet on his mom, being obedient and patient. He likes getting spoiled and pampered. But he prefers to disappear from time to time and explore on his own. He can't do that when Naomi's attentive eyes are on him every second of the day.

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