An Everyday Morning

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Tyler Gray

I never win when it's against Alice, I thought glumly. I was lying on my side, very uncomfortable, while Alice snuggled against my back and seemed perfectly at ease. She seriously doesn't realize how much things have changed. She still thinks I'm the same as I was when I was twelve. But she's dead wrong. I've been to countless fights and visited the principal's office more than anyone else in the school. My classmates do their best to never have to cross my path and my teachers have all given up on my behavior and just ignores me like everyone else does.

My only friends are Evan, a couple of delinquents, and Tamie. My parents have lectured me almost everyday about my "rebellious" attitude and the only person I'm at ease with in the family is my older brother West. He never mentions anything about my fights, never tried talking to me in a way my parents and the principal did, and whenever he came home, he'd give me that easygoing smile and throw me a chocolate bar. Naomi helps put me at ease as well, but sometimes she tries to talk to me about my fights and she fusses over me.

Alice wasn't there when all that happened. And she went through something such as her parents getting a divorce. But she didn't change. She was the same as she was years ago. Irritably sweet, internally evil, and still deluding herself about being in love with me.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. It wasn't just because she was there next to me. I have always had trouble welcoming sleep. I didn't like how it took me away from the world, shutting off my senses. I almost hated it.

Moving restlessly, I heard Alice sigh softly. "Turn towards me Ty," she murmured gently. I obliged. She scooted closer to me and the softness she provided was comforting. She has always been like this even when we were little. Once it was time for bed, she had that strange ability to make me feel comfortable.

"I can't sleep," I muttered apologetically.

"Mmm, I know," she said sleepily. "I'll help you..."

Before I could ask her what she meant, her fingers ran through my hair, giving a very soothing sensation, making me relax involuntarily. I don't know how long she kept doing that, but I soon found myself willingly surrendering to sleep.

 "Tyler..." someone sighed. Surfacing from a peaceful sleep, my senses started waking up and my eyes lazily started to open.


Waiting for my vision to adjust I stared at a shady figure and my eyes widened as they cleared.

Alice's face was inches from mine, her body fitting against me with her legs tangled with mine. I realized that I was holding her closely, my arms wrapped around her, and she slept with a smile on her face. Holy shit.

My face felt strangely hot, my arms going stiff and awkward. And I tensed when I watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open. She saw my face and a bright angelic smile appeared on her dazed face, "Good morning Ty," she said giving me a quick kiss on the lips before I could even react.

I scrambled away from her, falling off the bed in the process, wiped my lips clean and glared at the grinning girl who sat on my bed innocently. "I'm going to get you for that," I said darkly. But my threat failed just as soon as I said it because I tripped on Evan's sleeping body and fell on top of him.

And the moron didn't even stir.

Getting off of him, I cast a warning glance at Alice, daring her to laugh. She smiled.

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