Allen Anderson

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Alice Anderson

I stared at baby Nash and the little angel stared back at me unblinkingly. "Are you sure this child is two years old?" I asked not taking my eyes off him.

"Yes," Naomi said standing next to West who was making dinner. West had prohibited his wife from making them food ever since she almost burned down their house some year after they got married. Her only job in the kitchen is to watch. Once, West tried giving her the task of handing him the necessary ingredients and untensils, but she ended up almost killing him. So she's not allowed to touch anything or do anything except watch.

"How come he doesn't talk?" I asked. "Cousin Scarlet's baby talks a lot."

"Like mother like son," West said as he cooked.

"Oh, Nash talks. But he rarely does," Naomi said. "He's very quiet."

As if to prove his mother wrong, Nash said, "Mah!"

"Say Alice," I said. He stared at me with those adorable green eyes.

"Aaaalllliiiiiiice," I said.

No response.

"Say Alice," I said again.

"Dah!" he said raising his rattle and hitting my hand. "Ouch!" I said. Seriously, it hurt. "What was that for?" I pouted. The baby smiled innocently. "Naomi, I swear sometimes your baby feels like he's up to no good," I said over my shoulder.

Naomi smiled, "He's sweet like that."

"I don't get it," I grumbled as I returned to watching the little monster. "But you are very adorable..." I said as I poked his cheeks. He hit me again. "Dah!" he giggled.

"Naomi! Nash hit me!" I yelled.

"Dah!" he said.

"Dah!" I told him back.

He giggled. "Alish."

I blinked and stared intently at the cute baby. I turned around stunned and speechless.

"Naomi!!! He said my name!!!" I exclaimed in shocked delight.

"He did?" Naomi asked hurrying over to the crib. I nodded and turned to baby Nash. I gasped. He wasn't there!

"Naomi!!!" I said as I turned on my heel and found the brunette with her baby in her arms. My jaw dropped. "How did he...?"

"I have no idea," Naomi smiled and she kissed Nash' nose. "How do you do that cupcake?"

"Mama," he said, sweetly snuggling in her arms while Naomi walked towards me. Naomi glowed with tender motherly love. Her gorgeous blue eyes locked with her son's green ones and the little boy pressed his tiny hand on her cheek, drawing out a chuckle from his mother. "Honey," Naomi said to her husband while kissing her giggling baby boy.

"What?" West asked.

"Can I eat him?" she asked.


"Aww," she said.

"On second thought, sure. Go ahead," West said then flashed her a wicked grin before adding, "We'll just make another one."

Naomi's face heated up and she turned her back on her husband to hide her blush.

I was given the task of calling down Tyler and Evan for dinner. I stood in front of his door knowing perfectly well that I can open the door without knocking... I decided to keep the key to his room a secret. I'll just use it later. 

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