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Alice Anderson

"Alright Ev," Tyler said after we happily greeted Naomi and West while dragging him up to Ty's room. "Tell us how you became so friendly with Sera."

Evan's face by now, resembled that of a tomato. He couldn't seem to look us in the eye and his hands kept fidgeting nonstop. I didn't really care much for Evan since he's always seems to be closer to Ty, but damn this really got me curious.

While Ty started tying a quiet and stubborn Evan up with his blankets, I rushed to the bathroom to change into a gray blouse and a white-laced skirt. I got out of the bathroom, hearing the sound of a conversation within Ty's room, meaning he must've gotten Evan to start talking. But once I entered the room, all words ceased and silence hung in the air. "What?" I asked.

Evan started shaking again.

"Um Alice," Ty began. "This is sort of an embarrassing thing for Evan to discuss and your presence is kinda making it harder for him to talk."

"What?" I said in disbelief. "But he's been sorta okay with having me around these past few days! Why is he chickenin out now!?"

Ty sighed. "Sorry, but haven't you noticed how he's always asleep when you're around? It's to avoid this kinda thing. I won't be able to get anything out of him if you stay."

I glared at Evan who flinched and scooted further away. Are you kidding me? This is one of the only things that would make me hate him less and he's pushing me away! I wanna help you dude! And I believe I can do a better job of helping you with Sera than Tyler!

Plus I refuse to have you bonding with my beloved while you kick me out of the picture! You already had enough of that in the years of my absence!

"Ty, this isn't fair! Just because I'm a girl and he has gynephobia doesn't mean I don't have the right to know about something as amusing and entertaining as this!" I said, okay that came out wrong.

Tyler frowned. "Just leave for now, Alice, I'll fill you in later, alright?" Ty said.

Evan was looking at Ty kinda funny, like he found something odd about him.

"But you'll definitely omit some juicy parts," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I won't," Ty groaned. "Now scat."



"Don't wanna."


"I'm staying."


"I won't."


I frowned. I wanted to stay. I really did. But any more arguing and it would be bad. It's never a good thing to force my wants and desires on others. I can do it a bit with Ty but still I know there's a big limit to how much I should say.

So instead of fighting him more like I really wanted to, I humphed and stomped away after closing the door behind me. Leaving him some privacy with his best friend.

"Where are you heading Alice?" Naomi asked as I passed by her. She was carrying a laundry basket with baby Nash on her tail.

I picked up the cute little boy who was crawling after his clueless mommy.

"Oh my gosh! Nash!" Naomi said in surprise. "I thought I left you with your dad!"

"Mah!" Nash exclaimed, kicking his legs excitedly in my hold.

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