The Perverted Neighbor

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Alice Anderson

"Where are you going Alice?" Naomi asked, sitting on the couch with Nash on her lap. Looking at the baby boy with the same green eyes as the love of my life, I said, "I'm going out for a walk. Wanna come Nashy?"

"Alish," Nash said smiling.

"I don't think you'll be able to enjoy your walk if he comes with you," Naomi said.

"Why not?"

"He'll drag you to the little park to play in the S-W-I-N-G-S," she said in a low voice.


"No, don't say it outloud like that!" Naomi said covering her baby boy's ears. But it was already too late, Nash already heard it and his emerald green eyes twinkled in excitement. "Mama," he said, a wide smile appearing on his adorable face, "Shweeeng..."

Naomi looked horrified. "No."

Nash' expression was utterly broken and sad, his big green eyes shining with tears. I was suddenly being filled with such a strong urge to give in to the little guy and do his every little wish, to fill his heart's desires. I caught myself in the middle of reaching out to him. His mother must have felt the same and to her it was ten times stronger.

Helplessly she looked away from the compelling look in the child's eyes. "West!" she called out desperately.

West came jogging in the living room. He asked no questions, only looked at the situation, saw the desperate look in his wife's face, the sad hypnotic expression of the little boy, and the man sighed.

"What does he want this time?" he asked walking over to them and taking the small boy. Naomi sighed in relief. That little scene made me think. If this is how that little boy reacts to something he wants then it must be hell for West and Naomi when they're denying him of whatever it is. That's pretty tough.

"Is he always like that?" I asked studying the little boy who seemed to be unaware of the power he had over his parents or anyone within sight of his expression. But...if this baby did know what power he had, then... he might even grow up to be more evil and wicked than my masters.

"Sometimes," West said. It seemed like West was unaffected by his son. "But he rarely uses this face on me, it's more often with Naomi."


"Because she gives in, and I don't," he said pinching Nash' nose. He turned to his wife and said, "What did he want this time?"

"The swings," Naomi said, and just mentioning the word caused Nash to squirm in his dad's arms and say the word over and over again.

"Spoiled brat," laughed West.

"Is he?"

"Nah, not really. He doesn't always want things," he said, lightly tossing Nash upwards, making him giggle in delight.

"I guess we could go there for a little while," Naomi said.

West shot her a look. "That's what you said last time, and you stayed there for hours."

"But he didn't want to leave," Naomi pouted.

"Well that shouldn't be up to him," West said. They continued to talk, tease, and accuse each other while I left quietly and closed the front door behind me.

The Gray house has become bigger since the last time I came here. The living was larger, the furnitures almost all brand new, the dining table had been replaced, the rooms increased, and the coat of paint was warmer and more welcoming. I bet that was due to Naomi. She did study interior designing. And with West's money, they can affod anything.

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