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Alice Anderson


What a failure I must seem to my masters, and a strange intruder I must be to Naomi and West.

Glancing helplessly at my masters, I saw the sparkle of humor and amusement in their dark cynical eyes, also the slight curve of a twisted smile on their lips. That only lasted for a split second though, they're too professional to reveal themselves, and I'm quite sure that they let me see their true expressions on purpose.

"Excuse me, but umm... who might you be?" Naomi asked uncertainly, probably reading the distress on my face and the tough hold I had on the door's knob. I was actually quite ready to leave, but she seemed to have seen that too. Geez, Naomi's an airhead and yet she's so sharp at times like this.

"Did you think we'd let a strange intruder go right after they got into our house?" asked master Natt with a smile.

"You don't live here," West remarked dryly.

Nick waved a hand, "Forget the details." His dark eyes focused on me and I knew he was challenging me to get myself out of this mess. Tyler and Evan would be getting home soon. I need to get out of here or I'll get discovered!

Forcing myself to calm down and think, I released my grip on the doorknob and looked straight into Naomi's wondering face, avoiding the evil expressions of my masters along with West's steady gaze. "I'm really sorry for barging in so suddenly," I said, putting on a confused apologetic face while  scratching my head. "I guess I went into the wrong house..."

I started turning but Nick the horrible bastard stopped me. "What do you mean the wrong house? Who's house were you actually planning to barge in? Or is this house actually your intended target that you had just chickened out when you saw that it was apparently occupied?"

He was accussing me of being a thief! Good God, he really wants to make me miserable. I can't understand why I still love him and his brother...

"I'm not a thief," I said defensively, making sure to use the right expression and tone of voice.

"Then what are you?" asked Natt.

"Stop interrogating him like this you two," Naomi said giving them a frown. "I'm sure he really did mistake the house."

"I doubt it," West said quietly, his green eyes were so calculative that it was scary. So this is how he looks at people he doesn't trust and bears suspicion on. To tell you the truth, I would prefer my masters' evil look of amusement to this deadly gaze.

"I actually came here to leave a message for a friend," I said shoving a hand into my right pocket.

"And that friend is?" West asked, raising a brow.

I pretended to consider telling them. "Does Tyler live here?"

Naomi blinked and West didn't react. The twins were doing a pretty great job at concealing their true feelings.

"Yes, he does. What do you want with him?" asked West.

"I just wanted to tell him that I'm sorry for stealing some of his chocolates," I answered throwing him a sheepish grin.

"You're Tyler's friend?" asked Naomi, looking pleased.

"Sorta," I said. "I only joined the group recently. I wanted to apologize, but I had to steal it 'cause he wouldn't share."

"Well, that brat never shares," commented Natt.

"You got that right," Nick said.

"Anyway, could you tell him that?" I asked. "I'm sorry I entered so suddenly. I didn't really think of manners and such when I get myself a little too excited. I was running from Ty who was chasing me for stealing some of his chocolates. I think I lost him in town." Oh yeah, I'm awesome.

Irresistibly SweetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora