Chapter 3

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I skipped school for the next whole week. Thanks to me being regular to all my classes. I am not going to miss much work.

The bruise was almost faded. But when mom saw it, she was disturbed. She asked a bunch of questions. To which I had to continuously provide a falsified lie. 

With help of Venessa, I fabricated a story of getting hit by a ball.

Though mom eventually relinquish on that argument, she didn't seem to believe it. She could distinguish sorrow right through my eyes. It sucked to tell lies to my mom. 

My life sucks anyway.

As soon as mom learned about my broken headset, she got a new one for me. Of course, I made a story for this too. The truth will damage her. 

Mom has always been amiable around our neighborhood. Even with Leila. If she comes to knowledge of all these incidents, I don't know what steps she will take. Since dad's passing, she has been stoic.

I only need to survive some months in this school.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

Finally, back to school everything seemed changed.

As I moved between the crowd, no one sneered at me or greeted me with abusive names. They all seem muted. Busy with their own stuff. Somehow, this felt peaceful. I couldn't ask for more.

I went near my locker, and glanced sideways to see Jake enter along with his friends. His hazels directed at me. Frowning, I looked away, continuing to open my locker.

"Morning." I heard.

I spun to see Venessa, standing behind. Cheerfully, carrying her books.

"Good morning..."

It was strange to see Venessa around this early. 

Usually, she is hanging with her other friends at these hours. We normally meet each other at the middle of our day. And sometimes we walk home together when she doesn't have a ride. Which is a rare occurrence.

"Let's walk together." She told, and I couldn't deny her. So, I nodded and closed my locker.

Venessa stayed by my side until I reached my class.

"This is me..." I told.

Venessa gushed, "Alright... Mines a few classes ahead... Will meet you after this class."

Before I could utter something, she rushed away. I huffed and entered my class.

This was one of the classes I use to share with Jake. It used to excite me before. Trying to sit near Jake to have a look at him from afar. Somehow, he would always end up away from my view. It was so hectic.

For the first time, I didn't struggle to get a seat close to Jake. And instead found a place comfortable for myself.

Jake entered the class just a minute before it was going to start. But today, I didn't drag my eyes along with him, admiring him. I kept my gazes at my school work.

My seat vibrated, and I sense someone occupy the empty seat beside. Panicked, I turned to see who it was. To my horror, it was no other than Jake.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

Nowadays, Jake would always end up beside me at every class we shared.

I tried several times to eschew him, by changing my seat. But he would somehow be nearby every time. It was so vexing.

Should I Give Up?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora