Chapter 15

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The alarm went off as usual. I rolled over to reach my phone to turn it off.

I was wide awake even before it rang. No idea how long I have been up.

Since I have been to Ryan's apartment, it has become impossible to sleep. Yet, my eyes will be fresh and sleepless. Compared to how dull and tiring they used to be.

Ryan is the only person stuck in my mind from past two days. He just has his way to attract people. Something that is luring me back to him. I am eager to meet him again.

I thought he was just bluffing when he asked me to read the book for him. But it turned out that he was really interested in the book. It was astounding, discussing business stuff with a future tycoon like himself. 

During our session, he never at once tried to make any move at me. Attentively listening to me.

And those paintings he and his roommate made. Even they were so auspicious and solemn. Demonstrating their quixotic traits which has been hidden with the tag people created for them. I wonder how the real Ryan Keller is?

I do know that he is so adorable. That I couldn't hold back from kissing him.

Well, he is naughty. I just placed my lips on his, and he started sucking on them. And he pulled me closer to him. Trapping me in his arms. And how can I forget the teasing. With him tugging on my sides, sending chills through my spine. Developing a titillating sensation down my tummy.

Today, I was visiting him again. I can't wait to get done with my classes.

Squeaking in glee, I climbed out my bed.

In the bath, Ryan was clouding my mind. I even hallucinated his pleasant odor. Picturing different scenarios with him.

Though I can perceive that he was purely appealed by the book. I rather prefer this being an excuse to get close to me. So, we could get to know each other better.

But, it's not true. He is used to having sex with numerous girls. I don't think our little make out was enough for him to get attached to me.

Either way, I recollected how I shiver whenever he brushed himself over my bare thigh. Purposefully or not. So, I settled on a skinny-jeans. Which was light blue and high waisted. And paired it with a crop top. White with barely a centimeter thick, sleeves. Then covered myself with a pale grey cardigan made of a diaphanous material.

Lastly, brushing my hairs and putting on some jewelry, I grabbed my floral perfume. Spraying it all over me.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

My last class ended, and I directly called Ryan. Wanting to know when I could drop by. But he didn't respond. Guess he was in a class.

Hoping to crash into any of my friends, I roamed around the campus. Today, I only had two classes. Both early.

Soon, I tracked Aria, and waved at her. She spotted me. And left her boyfriend's side to hug me.

"You in hurry to go somewhere?" I questioned, noticing Victor along with a friend of his.

"Yea..." She turned down her smile, "But... Not right away... So, we can talk."

"What's up with Eva... She seemed to be mulling over something yesterday..."

Aria twisted her lips, and hissed, "Things are not going well between her and Jay... It seems like they are at the verge to part ways..."

We invested in some more talks. About classes and assignments. We found a bench, and sat upon it. Aria had some sandwiches with her which she shared with me. While sitting, I took an opportunity to text Ryan.

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