Chapter 13

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Wrapping my arms around myself, I followed Ryan to his car.

It was too late now. I already accepted his invite.

Ryan opened the passenger door for me, and I abruptly acquired the seat. Avoiding as much eye contact as possible. 

The door shut, and I saw Ryan go around for the driver's side.

With trembling fingers, I tried to put on the seatbelt. Failing each of my attempt. Then a hand appeared out of nowhere. Astounding me. 

Ryan grabbed the buckle from my hands, and locked it in one try. I was too engrossed to even notice him enter the car.

I turned to him, and felt my blood rush. Our faces were barely any inches apart. I held my breath, not wanting him to smell the hint of caffeine.  But was tamed by his intense woody scent. And his eyes, crystal clear. Got me lost into them. 

My gazes dropped on his lips.

I just want to kiss him.

That's when Ryan hauled away. Putting on his own seatbelt. And starting the engine.

"You won't mind me putting on some songs, right?" Ryan questioned with a faint smirk.

"Yea... I-I won't..." I nodded. 

The heat climbed up my cheeks.

Ryan turned on the stereo. Keeping his eyes at front. 

My eyes dropped down at my shorts, openly exposing my thighs. Bashfully, I grabbed my bag, and gently placed it over my lap. Then glanced at Ryan, whose eyes remained fixed on the road.

I observed his arms flex as he steered the wheel. His brows pinched together, studying the road.

Loosening his grasp on the wheel, Ryan placed his right hand on his thigh. He huffed out relaxing himself. And his features changed as we got on a freeway.

A smile formed on my face, and progressively grew. Until Ryan decided to face me.

Quickly, I lowered my gaze. Turning all red. Hope he didn't notice me staring at him like a creep. 

Biting my lips, I glance outside the window. 

We stayed silent. With music drumming inside the car.

Ryan lowered the volume, and mumbled, "Uhm... Well... I am sorry..."

Facing him with furrowed brows, I tilted my head. Not following what he was pacifying for. He explained further.

"I was busy with personal stuff... And forgot to reply... You must think why I took so long to..."

"It's okay..." I interrupted, asserting my thoughts, "I wasn't expecting any... You don't owe me anything... We weren't even that close..."

He interjected, ambushing me. 

"Weren't even that close huh... So, we are close now?"

I lowly chuckled, "Maybe..."

Ryan gave a weak smile, turning back to the road. 

My cheeks were burning. I turned my adulating gazes away from him, and outside the window. 

Entirely stumped by Ryan being near me. A foolish grin tugged on my face as we rode.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

Almost drifting on my seat, I heard Ryan announce, "We are here!"

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