Chapter 14

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My gazes stayed on the TV screen, displaying a picture of Robin with me.

Nathan is passionate about photography since school. He loved to snap moments back then. And go around capturing pictures of everyone. Even teachers. Some of our mates would like to pose for him. He is the reason for most of the brilliantly photographed pictures on my Picsy wall.

Nathan would store these in hard drives, and label them.

After he started dating that bitch, Alice. He limited his photography within us friends, and nature. Which was not that bad. But once they broke up, Nathan totally gave up on photography.

He barely snaps any pictures since.

Though he still cherishes his hobby. And carried his camera and photography stuff along with him here. Which we assembled in our activity room. Another spare room in the apartment which we use to do workout. Here Nathan has his drives organized in a cabinet.

Remembering, that Nathan has a drive which had pictures of us with Alice and Robin. I asked him to give a glance at few of those memories. This was during our first year at UPreg.

Subsequently, Robin made her relationship with her boyfriend exclusive. And I would constantly watch these pictures.

Nathan wanted me to move on, and forced me upon dates. Hoping I would find someone. He even involved Steve and Jeremy in this. But always caught me going back to this drive.

He had enough of this, and reprimanded me about being miserable. Then snatched the drive from me, proclaiming that he was going to get rid it. I pleaded him to stop, but couldn't. It was his property after all.

I knew his intentions were to better my situation. But he cannot understand what I am going through.

Nathan dumped Alice for how she was, so it was easy for him to get rid of his drive with their private memories. Whereas I was dumped by Robin. Without any clear explanation.

Today, when we were working out, Nathan reminisced upon our old basketball training videos. Which were also stored in one of these drives. He had an early class, so he asked me to get that drive for him. And left the room to take a bath.

Rummaging through the cabinet, I found the drive he wanted, and placed it out. That's when something caught my eye. There was the drive with Robin's pictures with us.

Indeed, it was impossible to get rid of memories shared with such a precious person.

When Nathan left for his class, I swiftly went back to the activity room. And dived out the drive. But as I too needed to leave for my class, I pounced it on my bed, and left the apartment.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

Now, back at my apartment. I went into my room to find the drive sitting on my bed. Grasping it, I quickly dashed to the activity room. And connected it to the TV in here.

Though I promised Nathan that I will move on. Here I was. Watching our old memories. Most pictures in this drive were Robin's.

It was impossible to control. I can never get Robin out of my head.

The girls my friends made me date were nothing compared to her. I eventually ended up sleeping with them. Either by bringing them over to our spare bedroom. Or inviting myself to theirs.

Nathan was fed up by my actions. But I cleared that am trying to get over Robin. And that I don't need to jump into any relationship to do so.

Anyway, I got to have sex with all of them. Without even trying.

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