Chapter 4

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I come to and realize I'm restrained and on a plane. Huh that kinda rhymed.

It's dark and a glance around my surroundings. It's a private plane and I'm chained to an armchair. I glance over and see a knocked out young man chained to armchair beside me. it's too dark to make out who he is or if I know him.

I glance around the cabin and see me and mystery dude are the only ones in this part of the plane in like a private room.

I try pulling on my chains but my wrists just start turning red against the restraints.

Whoever thinks restraints are sexy clearly have never been kidnapped, knocked out, and chained to an armchair going on a plane to god knows where besides another fellow knocked out, probably kidnapped human being. Yeah, I'm talking to you Christian Grey.

I yawn and realize how tired I am. My head is starting to ache from being knocked out so much.

I don't know how much time passes with just me alone with my thoughts. I wish mystery dude would wake up so I could have somebody to talk to. But what if he's creepy? Eh talking to someone creepy is probably better than me talking to myself.

I shift in my seat, thankful I used the bathroom before we left.

I softly start humming songs to distract myself.

After twelve songs, mystery guy starts to wake up. He suddenly jolts awake and glances around with wide eyes. Seeing his face clearly for the first time instantly masked me recognize him. his eyes meet mine.



Ara's grandpa mentions something about sleep but I'm too wired to sleep. I read somewhere that the first 24- 48 hours are crucial.

"Wait, guys, I have info," Carter jumps up frantically.

"What?" Jason demands.


"Ara's Netflix account has been accessed recently and two movies viewed "Hairspray" and "Home Sweet Home", do you know what this means?" I demand.

Thomas blinks tiredly at me, "that she wanted to watch Hairspray?"

"What the big opening number in Hairspray?" I ask.

"Good morning Baltimore," Scott answers, "oh my god."

"They took her to our old house in Maryland, I'm sure of it, Ara and I think in similar ways, I know she left is this clue," I exclaim. Cole glances up at me and there's so much hope in his eyes. In this moment I realize he cares about Ara just as much as I do. He's barely said a word in the past few hours. Now he stands up looking just as determined as I am. Oh, This is too much to process right now.

"We tracked the location of the viewing history and Carter is right, those movies were played at the old Jenson house in Maryland," One of the FBI guys, Tom, says looking up from his laptop, "good job kid."

"Oh my god," Grandpa states, "what kind of game are they playing?"

"We'll find out soon enough, I've contacted our CIA team and they're a half hour out from the location," Tom states.

"Okay, let's go," Grandpa grabs his phone and starts making a call.

"Sir, that's not how this works," Tom states.

"I don't care how this works, we're going to the house, I'm calling my captain now." Grandpa states.

"Not everyone should go, you kids need to sleep," Grandma insists.

"I'm going," I state firmly.
"As am I," Jason adds.
Scott, Ryder, Thomas, and Will all chime in with their going as well. I glance at Cole who simply nods his head. I nod my head back knowing he needs to come too.

"Okay, everyone else get to bed now," Grandma orders.

"But I want to go," Lucy states firmly.

"No, Luce, we don't know what we're gonna find and-" Will starts but Lucy's not having any of it.

"Will, I'm coming," she states.

Will sighs and rubs a hand through, "alright fine."

"Okay everyone, we leave the house in ten minutes, pack what you need to, and please change your clothes so y'all don't stink up my plane." Grandpa announces and turns to the FBI agents, "you all are welcome to pack up and join us."

Tom sighs, "screw protocol."

Who's the mystery dude??? I think I owe you guys for disappearing for almost a month so here's another chapter!!! Unedited of course and Thanks for reading, and voting, and commenting.

Love you allllllll!!!!!!!!
xx M

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