Chapter 11

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Cole's POV

We finally get to the airport and across the entrance I spot Grandpa. I run quickly over to him and he engulfs me in a hug.

"How are you doing, Bud?" Grandpa asks.

"I'm alright," I whisper. I've spent half of this week at Grandpa's house. I've gone to see him every day and we've talked on the phone as well. He's getting me through this.

"Let's go show the world what you're made of," Grandpa smiles. He releases me and Will steps forward to hug him. They whisper to each other and I motion for our party to come forward.

Traveling to New York with me are the Jenson boys, Royce, the boys of 1862, Will, Lucy, Clint, Lynn, and Claire. Also added security for good measure.

"Lucy!" Grandpa exclaims and hugs her quickly. They exchange quips about Will and I smile at the sight of them. Royce comes forward to meet Grandpa.

"Grandpa, this is Royce Jenson, Ara's Grandfather. Royce, this is my grandpa, Joey Montgomery," I introduce them.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sir, that's quite a fine young lad you've got there," Royce says, shaking Grandpa's hand.

"It took some time, but we finally got him functioning," Grandpa claps me on the shoulder.

"Ah, I like you, come! Let's talk of things no one else here has heard of," Royce puts an arm around Grandpa's shoulder and they start walking towards baggage.

"Are you ready?" Scott comes over to ask me.

I shrug "As ready as I'll ever be."


We touch down in New York and I lean my head back against the window as we coast down the runway. Sunshine is pouring through and it's great to be back on solid ground.

I look over and see Grandpa and Royce animatedly talking about something and I smile at the sight of them. It'll be good for Grandpa to have a friend his own age. Carter is quiet beside me. We didn't really talk the whole flight. Just kind of sat in comfortable silence.

"Are you excited?" He asks me suddenly, and it takes a second for me to register. I glance at him and take a deep breath before answering.

"Honestly? I don't know. I think I'm scared to let myself get excited because if I do, I might..." I trail off and look back out the window.

"Forget about Ara?" He asks and I sharply turn my head to look back at him.

"Yeah, which I know doesn't-" I start but he cuts me off.

"I get it. And honestly, I think it'll be good for us to try and enjoy this weekend and forget she's gone for a little while. I know that's what she'd want, selfless brat that she is," Carter cracks a grin.

"So we're gonna enjoy this?" I ask. Carter shrugs.

"How many times in your career are you gonna have your work admitted into such a prestigious museum?" Carter asks.

I shrug," I think they said whenever I want?"

Carter rolls his eyes,"Okay, for the sake of argument, let's just say this is a very special occasion and a milestone in your career and life. It's okay to enjoy it."

"Huh," I whisper.

"Cole," Carter says softly, "anyone with eyes can tell that you love Ara. It's clearer than glass. And I think that you are the only other person who is in as much pain as I am. Jason is pretty close, but you and I are on another level. I know you needed it to hear this from someone who loves her as much as you do. It's okay to forget for a minute and try to live a little. It's hard. But we can do it. So even if it's just for today, we're gonna enjoy this."

I take a deep breath, "Okay. Thank you, Carter."

"Yeah man," Carter coughs, "and after this weekend. We won't rest til we get her back."


Ara's POV

I walk back to the room that Jamie and I were given. I refuse to call it our room because I refuse to establish permanence here in any form. A top of the bed sit two guitar cases. I carefully open the case that will fit this guitar and I squeal and step back. The case falls shut. I stare at the closed case and take a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart. There is no way.

I glance around and nobody is in sight. I take a deep breath and step towards the case again. I left the lid slowly.

There sitting in the case is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.

A cellphone and a charger.

I put the items in the secret pockets of the guitar case quickly, before anyone comes in, and I put the guitar in the case. I place the case on the side of the room before anyone enters. I glance around the edges of the room. I drop to the ground and check under the bed.

I stand up grinning. There's an outlet underneath the bed. Tonight I can charge the phone there.

Jamie walks in with several guards. I reign in my excitement and give off a non-chalent air.

I sit on the bed and look out the window, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Jamie places his guitar in the case and places it beside mine.

"Dinner will be soon," A guard says and turns to exit.

"Wait!" I exclaim and he turns around.

"I would like to take a walk around the island." I say strongly.

"Excuse me?" He says.

"A walk. I am a growing girl and I have needs to maintain a good health. You may not be all that concerned with my well-being, but I certainly am! A walk is exercise and exercise is-" I ramble but the guard throws his hand up.

"Enough!" The guard exclaim, "I get it. You've got needs. Stay here, I'll be back."

The guards both exit and Jamie looks at me like I've grown to heads.

"What's up with you?" He asks.

I grin back at him, "I have a plan!"

Unedited and OMG I am sooooo unbelievably sorry for how long it has been since an update. I have had a lot of health issues recently and they're all squared away now, but that's no excuse. I promise I will be better about updating. Especially since I graduate high school like next week!!!!

I love you all, and thank you so much for all the support.

THANK YOU FOR READING!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Reading your comments literally make my life complete.

Love always,

M xx

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