Chapter 9

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Cole's POV

It's time to go to New York. I don't want to, but this is such an incredible opportunity, one I've waited my whole life for. But lately my life has been feeling so empty. I can't sleep. At all. Every single time I close my eyes I see her in different scenarios, my imaginative mind going wild with theories.

I've been in my art room staring at the picture of Ara for about three hours now. It really does capture her well. It hurts to look at it, but it hurts even more not to.

"Cole, buddy it's time to go," I hear a knock on the door and it creaks open. I recognize Scott's voice. He and I have really clicked in the past few days and it's comforting talking to him.

He comes and stands beside me, "I miss her too."

"So much," my raspy voice adds.

"So much," he agrees,"but this painting, maybe people will see it and want to help us find her."

"Maybe," I sigh and rub my hands over my face, "I feel like I've aged thirty years in a week."

"Me too, Buddy," Scott says and claps me on the shoulder, "but you can't let her not being here take away from this moment too much. That's the last thing Ara wants. She'll be pissed if she finds out you let her not being there ruin this."

The best thing about Scott is that he doesn't talk about Ara in the past tense. I smile at him, "you're right, as always."

"I try," Scott jokingly shrugs and pulls me up from the chair, "come on."

Ara's POV

It's been about a week on the island and I have absolutely no plan. I have some ideas though. I know there's connection to the outside world somehow because I know Levi's been making calls - I saw his phone charging and I tried to use it but there was no service but I'm assuming there's service somewhere on the island. I just have to find it.

Jamie's been pretty cool. We talk sometimes, mostly about music. He's the best distraction here.

I'm sitting on the beach right now trying to just relax. I have nothing at the moment so I should just try to enjoy the sun.

Jamie is a few feet away scribbling in a notebook that Fred gave him. Fred's been pretty nice to us too.

"Alright kiddos," Levi strolls towards us, Jamie and I exchange unsure glances, "as a present for your good behavior."

Levi snaps his hands and a guard who I haven't met before comes forwards with a guitar case. I excitedly sit up. My fingers have been twitching to play.

Another guard comes forward carrying another guitar case.

The first guard hands his guitar to Jamie and the second one hands it to me. I open it and find it's my guitar. Not my actual guitar, but it's the same version of it. I glance over and Jamie seems to recognize his too.

I take a moment to examine the new guards. I've committed every guard I've seen to memory and I know these two are new. Maybe Levi sent for them. This only confirms my theory.

"Bad behavior instantly means you get these taken away and I will punish you," Levi warns and crosses his arms expectantly.

"What?" I ask.

"Well play!" Levi exclaims. I glance at Jamie. We've never played together before but I seriously admire his work.

"What do you know?" He asks.

I shrug, "just start playing something and I'll catch up."

Jamie just stares at me blankly.

"Some time today people," Levi commands, "I'm a busy, busy man."

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