Chapter 29

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After we've wrapped up recording, we all head our separate ways. Grandpa, Jason, and Scott stay at the studio to work some more, Carter goes off to god knows where, and Cole comes to pick me up so I can spend the rest of the day with him.

I hug him super tightly the second he walks into the recording studio. I can hear the receptionist chuckling at us but I don't care. I've had such an odd swing of emotions today and I just want to be held. I tilt my head up and kiss him deeply. 

He grins and the twinkle in his eye that I've come to love more than anything is back, "Why hello there,"

I smirk and reach for his hand as we head outside. 

"How'd it go today, princess?"

"Weird," I answer automatically, "but good."

"How so?" he asks as we approach his car.

"Just so many emotions and doing music by myself is just so... different," I say and then he opens the car door for me, "Why thank you kind, sir!"

"Anything you wish, my princess," Cole cheekily smiles. I love it when he's in this playful, amused mood.

As we settle in I frown and turn to him, "you've never explained why you call me princess."

He smiles softly, almost shyly, "you really want to know?"

"So, there is a reason!" I exclaim.

Cole laughs, " of course there is, love."

"Well, yes, of course I want to know!"

Cole inhales and then answers," I knew I would fall in love with you if I let myself, practically  the minute you talked to me. Anyone with eyes could see that you're the most beautiful girl that has ever existed, but your wit, determination, and courage is otherworldly."

I narrow my eyes slightly, "That still doesn't explain princess,"

"The first time I called you princess was the moment I fell in love with you. Girl, lady, m'lady, woman... nothing felt like a strong enough word. You're a princess. Not in the spoiled connotation that people automatically think of nowadays, but in the reality of what a true princess is - extraordinary, giving, loving, caring, a goddess walking on earth. Do you remember the first time I called you princess?"

My mind has gone blank with pure bliss by his words but I concentrate and then it hits me, "It was the treehouse! Our first time up there together and we had just had the whipped cream fight."

"In that moment, we were just some kids messing around, all of us, and you did that for us. You're so considerate it's inconceivable." Cole says.

"Inconceivable!" I imitate Vizzini from the Princess Bride.

"And goofy," Cole grins, "I loved you then, I loved you more and more every day,  and I love you even more fiercly now than I ever thought it was possible to love someone."

I have tears in my eyes, "you are just the biggest sweet cheeseball in the entire world and it killed bits and pieces of me to be away from you for so long but now, each day that I spend with you is bringing back more and more of me and before I know it, you're going to pull out the best version of me that will ever exist. I love you, Archimedes Colton Williams."

"and I love you, princess," Cole says, and leans in to kiss me all over again. 

He starts the car and we head off to McDonalds to grab chicken nuggets, overly salty fries, and vein clogging milkshakes, but it's all worth it. I feed him fries and nuggets as we drive out of the city. He says he's taking me somewhere we haven't been before but its a place he's always wanted to take me. I try badgering him for details for a little while but he dodges them all and I give up after a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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