Chapter 24

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Carter prompted Jaime into revealing that he was behind Ara's kidnapping.

Ara's POV

The rest of the week passes slowly, but also quickly. I'm never left alone and after spending so much time alone, it's kinda nice. A few days ago, Carter finally told me that I was right and it was Jaime, but I don't want to think about it too much. A large part of me is furious at him for snatching me away from my family, but the other small part of me just feels sorry for him. Carter says his confession will be enough to land him and Levi in jail for quite some time. They might need me to go to court, but that won't be for months.

I told everyone to forget all the celebrations. It was a nice idea, but just, too much effort. We'll just make it up throughout the year. Besides, I'm too tired to celebrate.

I hate how tired I am, but I think just fighting for so long finally caught up to me. 

"Ara," Thomas says. Currently, I'm lying in my little hospital bed with Thomas beside me as we watch our new favorite tv show, Parks and Recreation. Thomas swears I'm just like Leslie Knope. I disagree. She's so sure of what she wants to do with her life and I haven't the faintest idea.

"Yea, Thomas?" I ask.

"Are  you going to forgive Jaime?" he asks. I sigh and stare across the empty white room.

"No. And yes. I will not forgive him for the pain he caused you all for months. I can't just forget it because he completely destroyed our lives for so long. But... I can't help but feel sorry for him. He needs help. I hope he gets it," I answer honestly.

Thomas nods, "that makes sense. Are you excited to go home tomorrow?"

I smile, "Yes! And although it was really, really nice staying with the Williams, I'm actually kinda excited to have some semblance of a real family, you know?"

Thomas nods, "I know. Dad's actually been trying, and it was really weird at first, because we haven't really had him in our life for so long, but it's really nice too. Plus, Jase finally gets to be his age."

"I don't know if he'll ever act his age," I laugh, "but I hope he does."

"Yeah, I -" Thomas starts but is interrupted by a knock on the door. We both look up and see a little boy walk in.

"David! What are you doing here? Are you okay? Are you allowed to - wait, you're walking, and you're... what's going on?" I ramble. David breaks into a big grin and comes towards the bed. He jumps up and pulls me into a big hug. I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"You're okay?" I ask him. David pulls back.

"That was gonna be my question." His eyes are filled with worry as he looks around at all the things I'm attached to.

"Yes, I'm fine, they're just monitoring everything, I should actually be leaving soon, I think. But look at you! You're walking, and jumping, I can't believe it! How?" I scan the little boy who's no longer wearing a hospital gown. He's wearing a bright red knit sweater and jeans. He kinda reminds of a young Harry Potter circa the Sorcerer's Stone movie. His messy hair, and bright eyes. 

 He sits on the edge of my bed, "Yeah, I'm healthy now. At least, for the most part. I still have to come back for check ups and tests all thet ime, but I get to be a real kid now and live at home."

"You're fine!" I lean over and hug him again, relieved that this little boy didn't have to spend his  entire life stuck in this hospital. I lean back to look at him, "but how?"

Oh, AraWhere stories live. Discover now