Chapter 5

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Claire's POV (Jason's girlfriend)

I splash some water on my face and glance at myself in the mirror. I'm in Jason's bathroom at the Williams house. It's been a crazy day. Jason and I had had the sweetest lunch together and then he went to go watch his brothers practice football. I was practicing on the piano at the school when I got the call that poor Ara was kidnapped. Jason has been a mess and my heart aches for him.

I come out of the bathroom and find Jason frantically trying to pack a backpack.

"What's going on?" I ask Jason.

Jason looks up at me and blinks and then smiles,"Claire, we found her."

He comes over and pulls me in a hug and spins me in a circle.

"Oh my god where?" I laugh as he puts me down. His face is barely inches with mine and his eyes are full of excitement.

"Our old house in Maryland, they took her there. She left us a clue with her Netflix account," Jason laughs and suddenly kisses me, "she's so smart. We have a chance at finding her, Claire!"

"Yay!" I cheer, "so I presume we are going to Maryland now?"

His eyebrows furrow and he takes a step back, his face becoming serious once again. He turns around to his backpack.

"Grandpa, the boys and I are going, you are going to stay here," Jason instructs.

I cross my arms, "Jason, I'm coming with you."

"You have class tomorrow," he says.

"I don't care, I'm coming," I say strongly and pick up my purse and pull my phone out of the charger and shove both things into my bag.

Jason sighs and walks toward me. He places each of his hands on each of my arms, "Claire, you and Ara and my grandma are the most important women in my life. I need to go be there for Ara but I need to keep you safe. You're safe here with Grandma and the kids, I can't drag you into this. If anything ever happened to you -" Jason inhales sharply. I hug him tightly.

"Nothing is going to happen to me, Jase, let me come with you please, is go crazy waiting here not knowing. Please let me come," I beg.

Jason sighs and leans his forehead against mine, "okay."

Ara's POV

"J.D.?" I ask in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, his British accent surprising me. I forgot he was British.

I nod my head towards my handcuffs, "got kidnapped by my bodyguards you?"

"Uh same," he looks around the dimly lit cabin.

"At least we have each other for company," I sigh and lean back against the armrest.

JD snorts, "yeah for now."

"So, since we're kidnapped buddies now, what should I call you? I mean I know JD's your stage name but do you want me to call you that or something else?"

"Call me Jamie. And shall I call you Arabella?" He asks.

I shake my head "Ara."

"Ara it is, then." He nods his head and glances around, "say, do you have any idea where we are being taken?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Jamie." I respond.

We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"You sing beautifully. I never had the chance to tell you last I saw you, but you're quite talented," Jamie says. I tilt my head to look at him and smile.

"Thank you. You do as well, Royce speaks highly of you," I compliment him back earnestly.

Jamie laughs, "Ah Royce. He's something special isn't he?"

I snort, "try being related it to him. It's the craziest and greatest thing in the world."

"That certainly describes Royce to a T. You know he speaks highly of you as well. Both you and your brother Jason," Jamie says.

I laugh, "ah yes. He loves complimenting us, crediting himself for our talents, and then complain about how stubborn we are."

"Stubborn, how?" Jamie asks, confused.

"Well Jason wants to wait until he's finished college before Grandpa signs him and I don't want to be signed," I explain.

"That makes sense for Jason, but why wouldn't you want to be signed? You're amazing?" Jamie asks.

I smile, "thank you, but I just don't see a future for myself in music."

"Why?" Jamie presses, "and don't say it's not your thing because it very much is your thing."

"Well, what makes it special is doing it with my brothers and they all have their dreams which don't involve performing music, except Jason but Jason's a solo act." I explain.

"You could be a solo act," Jamie suggests.

I shake my head, "I wouldn't want that."

"Hmmm, well we'll see," Jamie says doubtfully.

The lights suddenly flick on in the cabin and I nervously clutch my armrest. I glance at Jamie and he we exchange soft reassuring grimaces. The door starts to slowly creak open.

I've become inspired again and I've had some free time so here you are. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. Obviously unedited, as per usual.

Love to all of you,

xx M

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