Chapter 6

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Carter's POV

We're in the sky on our way to Maryland when Harold's phone rings. Everyone grows quiet as we watch him answer it.

"Hello?.. Oh hi Dad... What?... Really?, yeah I'll tell you, see you soon." Harold hangs up and looks around at all of us. His eyes meet mine and he sighs, "they're gone. They were definitely there, but they're gone now."

The captains voice comes over the speaker, "alright everyone, turn off those devices and prep for landing."

Claire's POV

Jason is quiet all through the landing. Everyone is. I hold his hand in the car ride over to their old house. Everyone looks so destroyed.

We're met at the house by police cars, yellow police tape, camera crews, you name it. The media finally caught wind of the story. Its approaching 5 am but a crowd has gathered around the house already. It's a quaint little house and I can imagine a young Jason taking care of the Jenson kids here.

There are a few men waiting outside the house for us.

"Dad!" Harold exclaims and rushes up to hug his dad. The rest of 1862 stuck back in Boston but Harold wanted to come see his Dad.

"Hey Harry," Harold's dad hugs him and then turns to look at us.

"Mr. Jenson," He addresses Royce.

"What's happening, Jim?" Royce asks.

Harold's father, Jim, glances at the cameras and nods towards the house, "let's speak inside."

Jim leads us inside and then starts talking, "they were definitely here but there aren't any prints anywhere. We've scoured the house but they knew what they were doing. We definitely have traces of Ara. She left a note addressed to a Carter Jenson."

Carter perks up, "where?"

"In her room," Jim states.

We all go up to Ara's room and I glance around. Even without all of her things, the room screams Ara.

Carter goes to the corner of the unmade bed where the note rests. He picks it up and reads it.

Jason has been completely silent this entire time. I squeeze his hand and he doesn't look at me but he does squeeze back.

Carter looks up, "she's okay."

"What does the note say?" Royce asks softly.

Carter looks down at the note and reads aloud" Dear Carter, breathe, I'm okay. I'm glad you got my hint Carter, I knew if anyone would you would. Plus I know you track my Netflix viewing history and for once your stalker tendencies have come to good use. These idiots let me watch Netflix and I had to suffer through a god awful movie just to send you a clue. I don't know where they're taking me but I've been assured that they don't want to hurt me. To my brothers, remember I'm okay and none of what happened is your fault or mine. I haven't cracked these stern men in black yet all I know is that one of the dudes name is Fred and he's young. They all look young like in their 20s. I drew some rough sketches on the sides of the paper that I hope Cole will forgive me for not possessing an ounce of his talent. To Cole, don't you dare blame yourself, or regret leaving me alone. This isn't your fault. I miss you and as soon as I get back I owe you a date as great as the one you gave me. Plus I still gotta meet your Grandpa. To everyone, I love and miss all of you and I will find my way back to you. Don't worry, you've taken care of me so long, know take care of yourselves, I can handle myself. Love, love, love Ara.

PS: the Liscense plants on the cars are 8H95v6 and RL129Z. It's around 2 am and they're taking me on a plane somewhere."

Carter looks up and turns the paper around to show the sketches. Even from how far away I am, they're not bad sketches.

Everyone starts talking but I'm immediately made aware of Jason. He lets go of my hand and storms out of the room. I follow him.

He walks across the hall and enters a room. I walk carefully into the room. It's his old room. He's running his hand through his hair. He kicks his bed and throws a pillow across the room. He rips the comforter off the bed and knocks a lamp off the side table, smashing it.

I flick the lights on and off to get his attention. He turns around to face me, looking so broken.

"On a plane! She's on a fucking plane somewhere! She could be anywhere Claire!" He shouts.

"Oh, Jason," I say softly.

"She's not here," he says softly, looking like a lost child. I walk over quickly to him and encase him in my arms. His head falls to rest on my shoulder and he sobs uncontrollably, his entire body shaking, "she could be anywhere in the entire world."

"She's strong Jason, we'll find her," I rub his back and my heart goes out to my beautiful, broken boyfriend. He cares so much for Ara it's amazing. It's one of the things I love most about him, "Jason, you're always going to see her as a little girl that you need to protect, and I get it, but she's strong and smart too. She's helping us too. She's gonna help us find her. She's gonna be okay. We'll get her back."

Jason quietly cries and pulls back sniffling. His eyes are red and puffy and he looks like a hot mess but he nods his head, "okay, we'll find her."

Screw Homework, here's another chapter!

Unedited, thanks for reading and commenting and voting,

xx M

Oh, AraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ