Chapter 28

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Ara's POV

After I hang up with Cole I sit and think for a little while, my mind still too awake to go to sleep.  My eyes watch the clock in my room move until suddenly it's 7 am. I groan a little in frustration and pull myself out of my warm bed. 

After too much rest, it's time for a little action. I get changed and head out into the family room. I feel too static and want to do something to be of use. Or to just do something. 

I also am in a weird mood. I can't stop thinking about Carter. I know I told him I was okay with him leaving, but I'm so scared to be away from him for so long, again. But I know it's what he wants more than anything, so I'll have to get on board. I'll get there. And hey, fake it til you make it, right?

I also can't believe I agreed to record an album. I don't know what I was thinking yesterday. Maybe I was in a trance. 

I get ready quickly and go out and am not surprised to see grandma tinkering away in the kitchen. Although, she is surprised to see me.

"How are you up so early?" Grandma asks.

"I never went down. " I frown and yawn, "to sleep. I never slept"

Grandma looks worriedly at me and I shake my head, "No, I'm fine. I need to reset my system anyways. This'll be good for me."

"If you say so," Grandma says and continues mixing.

"What are you making, do you need help?"

By the time all the boys are awake, Grandma and I have whipped up a massive pancake bar. They all cluck over me not sleeping last night but I shake them off. I'm tired of being fragile. I'm tired of being sick. I'm tired of being tired. I just want to feel all myself again.

Over breakfast, Scott starts planning.

"So, Ara, I'm thinking we take you into the studio today. I don't know if you have any songs you're ready to record for the album, but we can just do any old song so you get a feel for what the process is like," Scott suggests.

I nod my head, "That could be fun, when do you wanna go?"

Scott shrugs, "whenever you're ready,"

"I think that's a great idea, Scott. I am gonna call and book the studio, let's leave in an hour. Ara, we're also going to have to start interviewing assistants, agents, bodyguards-" Grandpa interjects.

"Bodyguards? Oh my goodness, Marcus! How is he? Is he okay?" I ask, realizing I haven't asked about him yet.

"He's fine, he just got knocked around the head when you were taken," John explains.

"We just don't know if he's the best idea to continue to be your bodyguard," Carter says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because he let you get taken, Ara," Carter says flatly.

"He was ambushed by people he trusted. As was I. There was no way he could have known. And besides, don't you think now he'll be more alert than ever? I trust him. I want him back as a bodyguard, if he'll still have me, or no bodyguard at all!" I declare.

"Ara-"Carter protests.

"Loyalty is important, Carter," I narrow my eyes at him, "and Marcus was always so good to me. I trust him."

"You know he wouldn't let anything happen to her again," Ryde agrees.

Carter sighs,"Fine."

"Will you all come to the studio with us?" I ask.

Oh, AraWhere stories live. Discover now