Chapter 20

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Ara's POV

The lights are half on and half out all throughout the hospital, which makes sense seeing as it's the middle of the night. I clutch the IV rolley-tower thing for support, physical and mental, as I roll through the halls trying to find Jaime. I go through my floor once and end up empty and exhausted. I find a chair in the corner of the hall and collapse on to it, taking a few deep breaths. Wasn't it just a few days ago that I was running on an island. Well, a lot has happened since then. Flashes of Levi lunging for me come into my mind and I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I take a few deep breaths.

Carter. Cole. Jason. Scott. Ryder. Thomas. Grandpa.. I start listing all my friends and family in a loop in my head to keep me sane. I take another shaky breath. I am strong. I will get through this. Things happen, and we grow stronger. That's the circle of life. Besides,  there are people who need me, people who are counting on me to be me. I've got to pull it together, especially now, for Jaime and David's sake. 

With a breath of courage, I pull myself up and head to the elevator. Okay, next floor. Jaime, I will find you.

The doors click open and, like tunnel vision, I see Jaime's name on the little whiteboard outside a room three doors down the hall. I take a deep breath and walk over to it. I take another deep breath and slowly creak the door open to find... it empty. What? I glance around and nobody's in here at all. Suddenly I hear a toilet flush and jump, and then the sound of a faucet running. I take another step into the room and see a door behind this one with light streaming in through the crack. 

The door opens and Jaime jumps in surprises and curses under his breath.

"Jesus bloody christ, oh my goodness. Ara, is that you?" Jaime takes a step closer and then the next thing I know I'm engulfed in a massive hug. I hold on to him.

"Thank god you're okay. I know I saw you not too long ago, I don't know when exactly, but my minds been going through a lot of what ifs at the moment," I start rambling and Jaime lightly strokes my hair.

"Me? What about you? Are you okay? What's in your IV?" Jaime asks. I look at it and shrug.

"No idea, you?" I ask, noticing he's tied up as well.

"No idea. Looks like we're matching though," Jaime grins.

"Haven't you heard? They're all  the rage. The latest beauty bloggers are just dying to get their hands on it," I sarcastically flip my hair, causing Jaime to burst out laughing. His laugh causes me to laugh too. We end up sitting side by side on his bed.

"So, what's going to happen now?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Jaime counters.

"Well, everyone's so glad we're back, and don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic to be back, more than words could ever describe, but I'm not sure what that means. What am I going back to? School, I guess? But it's been so long, I've missed so much. My friends and family - there lives have gone on for 3 months without me. So much could have changed. How am I supposed to fit back into it? And now my Dad's back all of a sudden. Everyone else has had time to process and come to terms with their decision, I'm kind of getting thrown into it. Not that I mean to complain, but I just am mentally very confused and trying to play catch up," I ask and run my hand through my hair, only to release my hair is in a ponytail so I let my hand awkwardly drop down to my lap.

"Ara, you're going to fit right back into your life. You'll figure it out, and there are a gazillion and one people there for you to help you along the way. You know, if you want to drop out of school and go on tour with me, that's always an option," Jaime offers.

"What? You want me to go on tour with you?" I ask.

"Yeah," Jaime pauses and reaches down to grab my hand, "I mean, we make incredible music together Ara. It's undeniable. I think it'd be amazing if you went on tour with me."

I think about it for a minute and shake my head, "No, I don't think I can, at least not for a while, I need to go be with my family, catch up, be with them."

Jaime sighs, "you can't blame me for trying."

"No, I can't. We did make some pretty nice songs on Satan's island," I nod my head.

"Satan's island?" Jaime question.

"Yeah, I call Levi Satan in my mind and so the island we were stuck on was Satan's island," I explain.

Jaime laughs a big laugh that causes his head to roll back. He comes back grinning at me, "you sure are something special, Ara."

I shrug, "what can I say? I- wait, what are you doing?"

Jaime had started leaning forward, his face getting very close to my personal air bubble space.

He jerks back, seeming to catch himself, and shakes his head, "Nothing, sorry,"

A dead weight falls to the pit of my stomach.

"No, no, no, no, no," I stand up and start to pace as the realization starts to sink in, "you like me?"

"No I- , fuck, yeah I do, Ara," 

I didn't want to end it here, but I need to go to sleep and I wanted you to be able to have  something soon so here ya go folks! I'm so sorry I disappeared but I successfully finished my first year of college! Woot woot! Be prepared for HELLA updates.

Unedited, un thought through, it is unbelievably late for coherant thought.

Love you all so much! Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

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