Chapter 8

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Carter's POV

I'm standing in my old room. I never thought I'd be here again. So many memories flood through my mind. Of us growing up. I glance out the window to the backyard. That's where we grew up. Playing everything from football to hide and go seek.

I sit on my bed and remember the last real conversation I had with Ara here.

I'm playing Tetris on my computer when there's a knock on the door. Ara peeks her head in.

"Can we talk," her voice sounds wobbly. I turn around to see tears streaming down her face. I jump up and walk to her.

"Ara, what's wrong," she doesn't say a word, and my anger sprouts, "who did this I'll kill em?" I lead her to the bed and she chuckles.

"No one did this," she sniffles.

"Tell me what happened," I implore her softly.

"Am I pretty, Carter?" She asks, lifting her head up looking so incredibly innocent.

"You are beautiful, Ara, how could you even think otherwise?" I ask, grabbing her hand. She leans her head against my shoulder.

"Some girls made some more comments today and I just, I'm trying to figure out why they hate me so much. Is it because I'm not pretty like they are or is it-" she starts to ramble but I cut her off.

"They're jealous of you Ara, because you're so incredibly beautiful inside and out in such a raw, natural way that other girls can't compete with. You've set the bar so high that they're catty and mean to lie to themselves." I shake my head infuriated at the idiotic girls at our school," believe me Ara, you are most certainly pretty."

She hugs me and I hold her tight.

I blink and the memory is gone. I can feel tears building up so I stand up and try to shake them off.

"No, no, no... don't cry, don't cry, don't.... Damn it," I mutter as tears start to pour down my face. I sit down on the ground and curl up into a ball and let go.

My best friend could be anywhere in the world right now. And they could be doing god knows what to her. Oh, Ara.

Ara's POV

My eyes feel heavy as a slowly blink them open. I rub my eyes and glance around. I'm lying in a bed.i sit up suddenly and accidentally kick someone. I with draw my foot and curl into a ball. It's dark in the room but I can still see things. I make out that it's Jamie lying beside me, still clearly passed out.

I step out of the bed and walk towards the door. I pull it open and blinded by bright light. I shield my eyes and step out. My eyes focus and I scan my surroundings. I'm on a beach? I can't see any water but I can hear the crashing of waves not too far in the distance. Plus the sand everywhere is a dead giveaway. I see palm trees and walk towards them. I step around the palm trees and see Levi lounging on a hammock sipping a drink from a coconut.

He sees me and starts laughing, "Ah our sleeping beauty is awake. So, what do you think?" Levi gestures around him. I glance around and make eye contact with several guards standing perfectly motionless around us.

"About what?" I ask.

Levi rolls his eyes," fine I'll explain. We're on a private island in the Caribbean that isn't marked on most maps. There's no signal on the island and no one knows we're here. Let the games begin!"

I posted! Sorry for the long wait I have just been soooooo busy! Unedited as always and thanks for reading!!
Love M xx

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