Chapter 16

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Ara's POV

The next few hours pass in a blur. It feels like the next thing I know, I'm being received at the docks by an ambulance, along with a lot of paparazzi and television crews. Jaime and I are immediately ushered onto the ambulance and the sirens are blaring as we are taken to ... yup, you guessed it, good old mom and dad's hospital. Ooo! Maybe I can go visit David. Oh, maybe I should look normal first so I don't scare him. I caught my reflection on one of the windows in the sub, and anyone can tell that I've clearly had better days.

I think about my parents. I wonder if they've even noticed I'm gone. If they even cared.

I am strapped onto a stretcher in the ambulance. They stab me with some needles but I am too, I don't even know what I'm feeling at this point, to care.

The hospital just becomes a blur of bright lights and loud noises and then they put me to sleep.

I wake up slowly, and I don't think I'll ever get used to waking up and not knowing where I am. This needs to stop. As my eyes focus I see Carter pacing the room in front of me. He is the only one in the room and it looks like he's mumbling to himself, but I can't catch any of the words he is saying.

"Carter?" I whisper, my voice unfamiliar, quite scratchy and not my own. His head darts up and his entire face lights up and he rushes over to me.

"Ara," he holds my hand.

"What are you doing? I haven't seen you in three months! Hug me brother!" I exclaim.

Carter gives me a concerned look," But you look so breakable,"

"Hush, I'm the same as I was, now hug me you idiot," I hold my arms out.

Carter rolls his eyes," Glad to see you're the same,"

Carter leans over and finally hugs me, and I close my eyes and for the first time in months, I finally feel like myself.

I snort, "dude, my personality is too strong, nothing could change me. I will always and forever be, your annoying, loud, awesome, twin sister."

I feel Carter chuckle into my shoulder, "I've missed you so much. I'm never letting you out of my sight for the rest of my life,"

"I've missed you too, soul brother," I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I know, soul sister, I know," Carter responds. The door opens and I look up to see my other brothers barreling down the hall towards my room.

"ARA!" I hear a chorus of screams. Carter lets go of me.

"We have planned our entrances in waves so you can slowly adjust to getting back to your people," Carter explains, "I got to be first because twin privileges."

"Damn right, twin privileges," I confirm. The rest of my brothers enter the room and stop and stare at me.

"What are you waiting for, get over here!" I open my arms for hugs. They slowly crack smiles, all but Jason, and walk over. Thomas is the first to get to me and he throws himself into hugging me.

"Ara, I'm so glad you're back," I can hear him crying into my shoulder and I just nuzzle my face into his shoulder.

"I'm so glad I'm back too," I answer. I hold back my own tears and lean out of the hug after another minute.

Thomas is trying to control his tears and avoiding looking at me.

"Aww, cheer up Tommy," I ruffle his hair, "I'm here now! That's all that matters - I'm finally here."

He gives me a look and stops crying, "are you kidding me, Ara, I am not a child. Don't call me Tommy!"

"It got you to stop crying, didn't it?" I suggest and Thomas huffs off and Ryder comes over.

Oh, AraWhere stories live. Discover now