Chapter 26

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* PLEASE READ THE COMMENTS AT THE END: Vote on what book I do after this one in the Jenson world*

Ara's POV

"Are we done yet? Are we done yet? Are we done yet?" I keep repeating like a lunatic. Carter glares at me to shut up as he fills out some forms.

"We are almost done, so shut up," Carter answers. I sit back on the bed. 

"Are you done yet?" I ask again. And Carter glares at me and mimes throwing the pen at me. I laugh loudly and settle back down. My hands are shaking I'm so excited.

Today, I finally leave the hospital, after being here for-freaking-ever. Jason, Dad, and Carter have come to take me home.  

Dad walks in the door talking to my doctor. It's weird seeing Dad in non-doctor clothes, I'm still not used to it. But that's okay. It's a good thing to get used to.

"Well, Arabella, looks like we're almost good to go," Dad says.

"Yes, we've gone through your medical treatment plan and recovery and you're truly in the best hands," Dr. Ramirez states and shakes my Dad's hand, "I'll have her new set of prescriptions sent up and you can sign for them here and I think you'll be set."

"Thank you, Angela," Dad says.

"My pleasure, Grayson," Dr. Ramirez smiles and look at me, "You get better, sweetie. Feel free to call with any questions. Or, you know, ask your father them."

"Thanks, Dr. Ramirez," I smile. 

Within twenty minutes I am free of wires and, with a few minor stumbles that we do not need to think about, walking on my own! I pull my hands out and stand in the sun like I'm Andy in Shawshank Redemption. I can hear the music in the orchestra swell as my eyes soak in the su-

"Are you done having a moment?" Carter interrupts my trance. I drop my hands.

"Can you not?" I ask and put my arms back up and try to get back to moment I was in, but that's all gone now. I drop my arms, "Carter, when have I asked you for anything, ever?"

"You literally asked me sixteen questions on the way out here," Carter quipped back. I narrow my eyes.

"You counted?" I ask. Carter shrugs and moves to open his mouth but Dad cuts him off.

"Alright you too, save the bickering for another time, let's get Ara home," Dad says and helps me into the car that Jason has pulled up.

On the way home my eyes are taking in the snow and the beautiful city I didn't know I missed so much. I knew I missed my friends and family, but I just never thought I'd ever grow to miss a place so much.

When we get up to our apartment, the door opens and I see everyone I know and love there yelling "Surprise". I stumble and almost trip but grab onto Carter. If I'm going down I'm taking him with me for not warning me. But he manages to stabilize us and I look back and grin. 

The apartment is an explosion of decorations. There are several birthday banners, a Christmas tree, some halloween decorations and more. Each section of the main area has got it's own themed party of something I've missed over the past several months. Right in front is a massive banner that reads" Welcome Home Ara". My heart swells at the sight

"You guys," My breath gets caught and my eyes get heavy with tears, "You really, really did not have to do all this."

"Well,  you love celebrations so much and as we start off the first day of this new year, it's really fitting that we start off the first day of the year with a celebration," Scott explains.

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