Chapter 17

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I got asked to do a "previously on" (read that in the voice of like Oliver Queen or anyone else you fancy) for Oh Ara, which I think is a splendid idea since I have the worst memory and have to keep rereading my books to remember what I wrote.

So from now on, I'm gonna try.

Previously on Oh, Ara....
Crap. What happened again? Oh yeah!

Ara just got rescued!!! And she reunited with her brothers and everyone except a certain someone...

Yeah that sucked. I'll get better at these... I think.

Ara's POV

My heart is inexplicably pounding in my chest and I have to focus on my breathing because I know who is about to walk through the door and I am feeling so many emotions I can't even put it all into words.

My heart monitor is going crazy and I want it to shut up. I glare at it but nope, nothing!

Suddenly he's here and time literally feels like it's stopped. There's a warm glow in the room and my eyes scour his face and my heart beats faster until I meet those damn eyes and my heart just melts.

Archimedes Colton Williams.

He stops at the door and we're locked in the most intense staring contest of all times. Because I'm an idiot and don't know how to break the silence, this is what my first sentence to him ends up being, "you blinked! I win!"

"You're here," he breathes out and rushes over to me. He gently sits on the edge of the bed and I scotch over to make room for him. I sit up and lean forward and he takes my face in his hand. His thumb gently strokes my cheek,"and you're still you."

I shrug,"my personality is so strong it-" that's all I get out before his lips are on mine. My fingers automatically jump to his hair and his other hand rises to meet mine.

Wow. I missed his kisses more than I missed chocolate. And that's saying something.

I get lost in the kiss so fast and every single sense and nerve in my body is in an endless loop of exploding and imploding and exploding and imploding or something.

The kiss quickly turns to a little more and then a little more. He's never kissed me like this before. Our other kisses have always been soft and sweet and gentle, these kisses are a little wild and edgier. Like we're trying to prove to one another that we're alive.

He suddenly leans back and looks into my eyes again," I don't care that this isn't the most romantic setting, or the most romantic situation or any of that, I just need to tell you something. And I have never felt this way before in my entire life, and I know it's not typical or God, this situation is completely insane, but-"

He stops himself and leans back to grab both my hands in his. He looks down at our entwined hands and then looks back at me,"Arabella something Jenson, I am so in love with you."

"Archimedes Colton Williams, I am so in love with you," I repeat back, "and it has been hell being away from everyone, but it hit me that I loved you sometime on that damn island, and what hurt the worst, more than anything, was being away from you, and not getting to love you with you."

"God, I could compliment you forever but I think I'm just gonna go ahead and kiss you instead," Cole says with a smirk I haven't seen in so long, but have missed so so much.

He leans forward and the heart monitor takes the time now to make the loudest noise ever, causing my cheek to blush. Cole's eyes widen in amusement.

"You okay there, love?" Coke asks.

"Oh hush you," I mutter, feeling incredibly flustered, and even more when he calls me love.

He lifts one of my hands and brushes it against his chest, right above his heart, which is racing just as fast as mine.

"Don't worry, Ara, I promise your heart racing is nothing compared to mine," he whispers.
I smile.

"Just kiss me, love, we've got a lot of time to make up for," I say.

"Did you just say make up or make out?" He teases.

"Shut up and kiss me," I lean forward and instigate this kiss.

I don't know how long we end up kissing, but eventually we end up lying down side by side with half my body overlapping on top of his. Our hands our entertained and we're catching up.

Eventually there's a knock on my door and I look up to see Carter walk in.

"Dude, where are your hands?!" Carter jumps and turns around.

"Carter! We're not doing anything!" I exclaim.

"We could..." Cole teases.

"Cole, I know we're cool and all, but seriously, joke about that again and I'm breaking your arms," Carter threatens.

"Just joking," Cole says, lifting his hands innocently in the air.

"That's my baby sister, no joking allowed," Carter states.

"I'm not a baby!" I protest.

"You're younger than me," Carter pulls up a chair beside me.

"By fifteen minutes!" I exclaim.

"Yup! I'm fifteen whole minutes wiser than you, and always will be," Carter leans back in his chair confidently.

"You're so annoying about that," I groan.

"You know it," Carter smugly agrees and flicks his eyes back down to his phone with a frown. He starts furiously typing into it.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Carter and Cole exchange glances," what! What aren't you telling me?"

"Ara, a lots gone on since you've been... away," Cole says softly.

"I figured, what exactly is going on now though?" I ask again.

Carter and Cole exchange glances again. I sit up furiously.

"You both need to stop treating me with little kid gloves. I am so much stronger than you can even believe. You have no idea what I have been through, nobody does. Except Jaime. Wait, oh my god, Jaime. Where is he? Is he okay? I'm so awful I cannot believe I forgot about him, what's going on with Jaime, I have to go see him," I run my hand through my hair and move to get up.

"Whoa whoa" Carter and Cole both protest and gently guide me back down to bed.

"You need to rest, Jaime is fine, his parents are with him how, you don't need to worry about him, you can see him later today, he's fine it's not him," Carter calms me down and I sit back.

"Okay, if it's not him, what is it?" I ask but before either of them can answer my answer walks through the door.

As make up for being gone so long, I'm updating early! I don't know if I can update again by this Sunday, but I'm gonna try. If not, I'll be updating again next Sunday!

Thanks for reading and voting and all your lovely comments. Much love to you all.


P.S. Unedited and written on my phone - hence probably weird-ass formatting & autocorrect errors.

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