Chapter 27

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Ara's POV

"Wait, what?" I ask.

"I'm signed up for-" Carter repeats but I shake my head and smack his arm.

"Who said you could make this decision without consulting me?" I demand and place my hands on my hip, fully pissed.

"Uh, it's my life, Ara," Carter crosses his arm. I can tell this is gonna be one of the biggest fights we've ever had.

"It's my life too! You're the literal other half of me, we shared a womb!" I exclaim.

"That was seventeen years ago! We've grown a little apart since then, don't you think?" Carter asks.

"No! It's still a fact and the-"

"This is besides the point," Carter waves his hands.

"What about school? Are you just gonna give up school now?" I ask.

"Ara, I'm going to a school. It's just a different school," Carter explains. 

"Where is it?" I ask. 

"An undisclosed location," Carter mutters.

"Where is it?" I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes at him. Carter sighs.

"England. Ireland. Peru. New Zealand. It's a bit of everywhere. It's not exactly a stationary place," Carter explains.

"So what, we're never gonna know where you are?" I ask.

"Not exactly. I can still come home and vis-" Carter stops but I throw my hand up.

"Don't," I sit down on my bed ready to cry, "Carter, I just got back to you, and now, now you're leaving? It was horrible being away from you for so long. I never want to do that again."

"I know, but Ara, that's why I'm doing this. If I can help protect you and other people so that what happened to you doesn't happen again, well then I have to do it," Carter explains and sits beside me. He grabs my hand, "I really will visit. I don't want to be away from you for that long ever again. You're my favorite sister, I love you."

I roll my eyes and correct him, "I'm your only sister."

"Only, favorite, same thing," Carter smirks and I shake my head.

"Does anyone else know yet?" I ask.

Carter's smile drops and he shakes his head, "No, you're the first. I figured if I got you on board, then you'd help me convince everyone else." 

I sigh, "I'll get there I guess."

Carter's face brightens, "You will?"

"You're my brother, if it's your dream then of course I'll get on board, I just, I want you to be safe more than anything and this does not really sound like a cubicle and paperwork kinda job which I'd be much more comfortable with you doing because then I'd know where you are at all times and I can visit you and bring you rainbow sprinkle cookies because you love them so much because all the colors remind you of unicorns which you and I both know are you favorite beings even though you claim they don't exist because I know you had a bunch of rainbow unicorns on your phone as the wallpaper in seventh grade for a whole year, well even though you lost the bet that made you do that I still think-"

"Ara, you're rambling on again," Carter interrupts me. 

I smile and a tear treks down my cheek,"I'm just gonna miss you so dang much."

I lean over and hug him, "And you have to promise me you'll be safe. At all times. No matter what."

"I promise," Carter agrees.

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