26. Wounded

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When I opened my eyes, it felt like an eternity had passed. My whole body ached in different places, making it extremely difficult for me to move, and my eyes squinted when exposed to a bright white light right in front of me. Seconds passed by as I heard the ticking of the clock, but my slow mind had still not processed what was happening. Maybe I had really gotten old.

Finally, after what seemed like another eternity, the intensity of the white light was dimmed and I could heard a light sound of footsteps approaching me. By the time they reached the side of my bed, my eyes were fully open. I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was, when I realized the room I was in. Considering the fact that I would come here at least twice a month, I should have been accustomed to it by now, but everytime I set foot in here, I felt... disappointed.

"Don't look like you've committed a heinous crime. Everyone needs this once in a while," Came an authoritative voice beside me.

I turned to my left to look at Paul, who had saved me a few hours ago. He was really doing a good job as an advisor, but the only drawback was that it was falling on deaf ears.

"I do feel disappointed, every single time. Being in here feels like I've slowed down, stopped working or even breathing, and have become sluggish. And I don't want that."

"I sometimes get scared when times like these remind me of the exact same instances of your father. He was as relentless as you are, and wouldn't give up until he had what he desired for. Maybe that's the reason we are at par with The Shadow even when their gang is at least three generations old, and you're the second leader of ours." He remarked, making me smile subconsciously.

That was just how he was - tenacious, determined and bloody dangerous. Once he set his eyes on something, he wouldn't stop until he achieved it. In such a short life, he had built up a worldwide business, amassed huge wealth and advanced himself in the mafia world. It was at par with another one of the biggest mafia men, and Arnold Adams and George King were the only two men you needed to be afraid of in the USA.

"I am his son, you know? It's a given that I would fit his ways," I responded, my voice filled with pride as I stared at the ground beneath.

This medical recuperation room located on the first floor of the gang-house was a simple and desolate room, probably the only place that gives me the creeps. Every time I came here while I was younger, and dad was alive, he would grind me for ending up wounded in the first place. Fighting was something sacred to him, and he expected me to fight like a thirty years old man while I was just thirteen. He grilled me day and night to become perfect, and although I couldn't understand the urgency, now I know what it was. It was as if he had been waiting for tragedy to strike all along.

But what had to happen, was done, and I couldn't undo it in any way. I had to look forward, towards my future, if there was any. It was impossible to forget those memories, but I knew that someday, I will have to let go. Whether I give up or not, whether I give that bastardo his retribution or not, I just had one wish – to not die with those unpleasant memories still fresh and alive in my mind. And as long as I planned to keep those around, I wouldn't die. I couldn't die.

Sensing my discomfort, Paul changed the subject, "Have you contacted your secretary? I think he will need a lot of reassurance on your part."

"He will need to open his eyes and ears and probably his mind too, if he wants to work with me. And I'm definitely not going to run after him and ask for his mental health. If he can't handle, send him somewhere far. Simple." I said simply, without an ounce of pity.

"Anyways, where's Luca? I haven't seen him anywhere." I asked Paul and he winced at the question.

"What? Where is he? Where the fuck is he?" I bellowed, swallowing bitterly at the pain coursing through my head and travelling in my veins like blood.

But this was an emergency. Not feeling anything, numb to the pain, I tore away the Iv from my skin and bolted towards the door to the outside. Paul came running after me, telling me to take rest but I couldn't hear him anymore, the faint buzzing in my ears getting louder with every step. As soon as I reached the living room, I spotted some of my injured men sprawled out on the couches, trying to find a proper position to sleep.

"Where the fuck is Luca? What happened to him? Where's the doctor?"

"S-sir, he's still... unconscious."

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