...Killer or protector?...

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*Y/N's Pov*

It was the next day when my best friend had yet again visited me.
Danny wasn't around so she felt comfortable talking about more things.

Besto Freando: I know you love him.

She smirked.

Y/N: Who are we talking about?
Best Friend: Dr. Danny of course!
Y/N: Oh and why do you say that?
Best friend: Oh my gosh, it's so obvious. You're eyes give it away.
Y/N: That's the only sucky part of having a mood ring eye.
Best friend: But obviously great for me.
Y/N: Can't get anything past you.
Besto Freando: Nope.

She smiled.

Best friend: How long?
Y/N: Don't know.
Best friend: Mann your wack.
Y/N: I know.

Knock Knock

Y/N: Come in?

Dr. Danny had walked in. My best friend had started snickering and whispered.

Best friend: Speak of the devil.

Danny looked at us in confusion from the secrets.

Danny: (Bsf name) visiting hours are over, it's time for Y/N's counseling.
Best friend: Aww ok.

She gathered her stuff and gave me a hug, later leaving.

I followed Dr. Danny to his office and started our meeting.

Danny: Ok Y/N now knowing about the event. You said that you made Davis and his friends mad, correct?
Y/N: Yes.
Danny: Can you tell me what you did?

I looked at him and hesitated before I spoke.

Y/N: I killed..

I hesitated again knowing I had to explain myself.

Y/N: My younger cousin was going around the neighborhood. He walked past Davis and his friends. Accidentally stepping on one of his friend's shoe. Alex I think his name was. Well Alex wasn't very fond of that. The group of 5 jumped my cousin.

I looked away from Danny, breaking eye contact. A second later regaining it.

Y/N: My best friend actually found him. She called me and later they both got to my house. He was bleeding so badly. After finding out who did it, I put my detective skills to use and found where Alex lived.

My eyes shown red.

Y/N: I...I killed him..making it look like a suicide.

Danny looked at me surprised.

Y/N: Davis and his friends have always been around in my life for some reason. Actually Davis was one of my good friends. Until he messed that up.

You'll find out what Davis did in another chapter, but for now have a cliffhanger :)

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