...Floor B5...

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The doors to the elevator opened. I looked at my surrounding and found a dark hospital looking place. I started walking around realizing that their must be someone here too. Since there was someone trying to kill me on the other floor.

I kept a close eye on every corner. Until I heard footsteps coming my way. Quickly I looked in front of me to find Doctor coming my way.

Y/N: Doctor?
Danny: Y/N I'm so glad I found you!

He exclaimed.

Y/N: Um doctor. What's going on? Where are we? And who was that guy downs-
Danny: Y/N you're asking so many questions I can't keep up.

He interrupted.

Y/N: Sorry.
Danny: No worries. Come on lets go.

In trust I followed him. In silence I questioned everything. Something didn't feel right...

He told me he was gonna help me look for a way out. So we made our way to a room with writing on in. It was dark to see anything. I read one part to it but the doctor interrupted me when I was gonna read a different part.

He was acting...strange-

Finally we got to a different destination. We went inside the room and there was a table like for patients in the middle of the room. Examining the place, I saw another door that led to a closet perhaps.

Danny: Ok were here. I'm sure we'll be safe here.
Y/N: If you say so.

I looked at the doctor as if I suspected him for something. I just couldn't put my finger on it though.

Danny: Y/N i have something for you to do.
Y/N: Which is?

He pointed to the door.

Danny: In there I want you to find something.
Y/N: That would be?
Danny: Something that belongs to me. Trust me you'll know when you see it.

He smiled at me with his eyes closed. That detail made me suspect him even more because of that weird dream I had.

Y/N: If you say so...

I then went to the door and hesitated to go in. With a deep breathe I pulled the door open.

Danny: Oh and...do be careful in there. It's dark.

I nodded and walked inside blindly. The room was bigger then expected. I walked through the room and found a disturbing amount of eyes in a jar...eww does he eat these as snacks?! I looked around to find a particular pair of eyes that was rather....familiar.  Which was already weird cause thier eyes in a damn jar.

But it was true...they were familiar. The eye Danny had...with the 2 irises in one eye.

Y/N: What the-
Danny: Good job Y/N. You found it!

He interrupted. He walked towards me and gestured to hand him the jar of eyes. I handed it to him and he thanked me.

Danny: Now can you wait in the other room while I pop this eye in.
Y/N: What..?
Danny: It'll only take a second.

I nodded uncomfortably and started for the door.

Danny: Oh and Y/N.

I turned to look back at him.

Danny: If you try and leave or do leave the room...I'll kill you.

He made sure I heard those last 3 words loud and clear.
In shock I nodded my head "ok" and left to the other room.

Boy what the hell is going on!? I need to get out of here!

I looked at the door and started walking towards it.

Wait but he'll kill me if he catches me...

I only stared at the door from a far.

But I'll be able to escape if I get a running start...

I inched for the door.

Shit but...he knows this place more then me so he's bound to find me.

I still went to the door and only looked at it with my mind still thinking of the best thing to do.

Should I just do what he says?

If I run now...then maybe he won't get me.

My hand slowly started to reach for the door handle.

Until I heard Danny's voice call my name.

I thought with cold sweat running down my face.

Danny Dickens X Mysterious Reader (Aod)Where stories live. Discover now