...Where am I...

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I woke up with blank thoughts.

Analyzing the room I realized something was off. I got up, making my way to the door. Exiting the room it didn't look like I was at the same place I was before.

What the hell.
It looked like my outfit had changed too, and I had a bag that I didn't bother to look in.

Instead I started looking around and found some writing on the wall. Asking me what my name was.

Well Y/N L/N of course.
It then asked me stuff about my sins. Honestly I couldn't remember anything. Only my name.

I found a type writer again asking what my sins were.
*I think that's what happens*

Y/N: My sins?
I whispered to myself.

In confusion I looked around the room to find an elevator.
I stepped into the elevator only to analyze it. The door closed and it took me to a different floor. B6?

After minutes went by the door finally opened. I saw a whole different surrounding, like an abandoned town.
I started looking around the ghost town lookin place. With each step making a echo.

Finally stopping when I found a little white bird.

Y/N: Wow a bird.

I said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

All of a sudden a wall was broken down that revealed a man with a scythe. I put my fists up in defense. Like that's gonna do anything against the guy with a scythe.

???: Hey there. Here's a little game were gonna play Ok?! I'll count to 3 so you can get a head start and-
Y/N: Um excuse me but where am I exactly.

The hell am I doing interrupting the dude with the scythe.

???: I-
Y/N: What?

He yelled at me and finally actually looked at me. I couldn't really see his face since it was covered with bandages.

Y/N: Of course I'm scared. Its just emotions are difficult.
???:  Man what the hell! You know I have a scythe in my hand, right?!

He scoffed.

???: Hey weirdo what's up with your eye?
Y/N: What's up with your eyes!?
???: What do you mean?! Your eye is flashing crazy colors! Yellow and Orange.
Y/N: Oh ya. Its called a mood ring  eye. Orange means Scared and Yellow-
???: I don't care.
Y/N: You were the one who asked though.
???: Ahh shut up and leave.
Y/N: ...Fine.

I had started walking off until he muttered something.

???: Now that I think about it 5 eyes is gonna like you...
Y/N: What?
???: Nothing! Leave!

I rolled my eyes and started walking around.

This place is like a maze. Finally I found another elevator. I stepped inside and just like before, the doors closed and the elevator started moving. After a couple of minutes the doors to finally opened.

Danny Dickens X Mysterious Reader (Aod)Where stories live. Discover now