Chapter 27

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Suppose someone had told me some time ago that I would be starting a new life and going on a vacation/business trip to help my new friends on a fabulous island, and I felt pretty excited about it. I would have shaken my head in denial and amusement, which shows how destiny works.

Ashley and Emily will pick me up for a flight to our exotic destination tomorrow. I have to convince both of them to join me on this trip. I knew I would need them there. And like my best friends, they dropped everything to accompany me on this trip, even at the last moment. And I love both of them so much for this. But they set one condition: they would pack my suitcase for this vacation, and I would not.

To recall the exact words they said ... "Stop living like a nun, Reanna!!!. Forget about that cheater and open your heart again. So many guys are loyal, honest, and so HOT!! We will only come if you promise us that this vacation will be our best!

But first, tell me honestly, do you believe, even for a second, that you have a future with Enrique? "

In that one question, a sudden flashback of my entire 20 years blinked away, and I gave the same smile Princess Diana gave in her 1995 interview when she was asked, "Do you think you will ever be the Queen?" At this point, Diana, whose shy gaze has been cast downward, lifts her head. A smile full of emotions spreads across her face. She contemplates the question, sighs, and then speaks.

"No, I don't. No," Diana replied in a firm, quiet voice before again dropping her gaze.

She knew she could be a queen if she wanted to be by giving up everything she believed in, but she chose not to, no matter the cost. She couldn't be in a toxic relationship that was eating her alive. She can't be around people who don't accept and understand her. She can't pretend to love a selfish husband who cheated on her and humiliated her. She can't think of spending her entire future with someone she can't trust. The smile was a sign of years of pain and suffering that had now turned into acceptance and learning, which only comes with wisdom and maturity.

"Reanna? Answer me Do you ever see yourself with him again? Do you love him?"

I looked her in the eyes, my eyes showing the journey I had travelled.

Being cheated on is something that leaves scars on a woman's heart. The pain she endures changes her. The consequences of cheating transform her way of thinking.

It changes her outlook on love and her future relationships. It feels like there is nobody she can trust again. I was cheated on, and it destroyed my heart in ways I never thought possible.

My whole life was reset without my permission. When one partner cheats in the relationship, it doesn't give the other partner a choice not to suffer. It's not something one chooses, but one's entire life changes in that single moment. The future will never be the same ever again. But we should never forget that life will go on. I know I had a life before him, and I will have an even better life without him. I will have new dreams that will fulfil me more than any dream I had with someone like him ever would.

Sometimes we question our own worth in such situations. But in reality, his cheating on me had nothing to do with me, and I realised that later. It has everything to do with him. But at that time, I questioned everything I was doing. So, one should not waste their time thinking about somebody who has shown their true colours. He clearly wasn't "the one" for me. I stopped analysing his cheap actions and concentrated on someone who truly matters—myself.

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