Chapter 34

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Rafe woke up early in the morning, eagerly anticipating seeing Reanna again the next day. However, to his dismay, she was nowhere to be found.

He called out her name, but there was no response. He tried calling her phone, but it was switched off. Worry and concern started to set in as he remembered the events of the previous night, and he couldn't recall anything about her leaving.

Rafe quickly got dressed and rushed to the hotel lobby. He asked the receptionist if she had seen Reanna, but she replied in the negative. He asked if she had checked out, and the receptionist said that there was no record of Reanna checking out.

Rafe's panic increased as he realized that Reanna had left without informing anyone. He checked with her friends and everyone present at the venue, but nobody had a clue where she went. He didn't know where she was or what could have happened to her. He searched the nearby areas, going to the places where they had been together the day before. He asked everyone he met if they had seen her, but no one had any information.

Rafe never felt this helpless before. The thought of Reanna being in trouble somewhere, alone and vulnerable, filled him with a sense of dread he had never experienced. As he searched for her, his heart racing with fear and worry, he couldn't help but think about all the things that could have happened to her.

As the day wore on, Rafe's worry turned into a sense of desperation. He couldn't believe that Reanna had disappeared without a trace. He tried calling her phone again and again, but it remained switched off.

In a state of panic, he decided to take action. He called his office and asked them to use their sources to track Reanna down. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to try everything he could to find her.

Hours passed by agonizingly slowly, and Rafe waited for any news about Reanna. Finally, his office called him back with some information - Reanna had taken a flight to the UK the previous night and was last seen in London City Hospital.

Rafe, as soon as he heard the word hospital.

Without a second thought, Rafe booked the next flight to London. He knew he had to see Reanna and make sure that she was okay. He didn't care about anything else, but all he could think about was getting to her as soon as possible.

As he sat on the plane, his heart raced with worry and concern. He couldn't wait to see Reanna and make sure that she was safe and sound. He vowed to never let her out of his sight again and to always be there for her, no matter what challenges they may face.

When he arrived in London, he immediately made his way to where Reanna was last seen.

As Rafe entered the hospital, his heart was pounding in his chest. He asked the receptionist about Reanna, and after a few tense moments, he was directed to a room.

But as he walked in, he saw Reanna holding a man's hand. His heart sank, and he felt like his world was crashing down around him. He stood frozen in the middle of the room, his thoughts racing with all sorts of possibilities.

Torn between his desire to snatch her hand away from the man and his need to keep his composure and understand the situation, Rafe felt paralyzed. He desperately wanted to hold Reanna close, but he was also terrified that she might want something else.

The fear and uncertainty were overwhelming, and Rafe felt like he was about to break down. He took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts and emotions.

Finally, he realized that he couldn't just stand there frozen with fear. He needed to confront the situation and understand what was going on. He took a step forward, looking at both of them before silently walking out of the room, waiting for Reanna to explain.

He knew that he needed to understand why Reanna had come here without telling anyone and what she expected from him. He couldn't let his fear and anxiety get the best of him. He needed to be strong and confront the situation head-on.

As he waited outside the room, he took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves. He knew that he needed to be patient and wait for Reanna to come to him. He promised himself that he would try to understand her perspective, no matter how difficult it may be for him...

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