Chapter 31

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Reanna's phone rang as she was getting ready for bed. She didn't recognize the number, but something made her answer it anyway. It was one of Enrique's friends, and he was in tears.

"Reanna, it's bad. Enrique was in an accident and was rushed to the ICU. They don't think he's going to make it. I'm so sorry," the friend choked out between sobs.

Reanna's heart stopped. She could barely breathe. "What do you mean he's not going to make it? Is he conscious? Is he okay?" she asked frantically, trying to make sense of the devastating news.

The friend had no answers, and the phone slipped from Reanna's trembling hand in shock. She stumbled to her bed, tears streaming down her face as she tried to process what had just happened. She couldn't imagine losing Enrique, the love of her life, her everything.

Without a second thought, Reanna grabbed her passport and dashed to the airport. She didn't have time to inform anyone of her whereabouts or her reason for leaving. All she could think about was getting to the hospital as soon as possible. The flight felt like an eternity as she anxiously prayed for Enrique's survival, knowing that she couldn't bear the thought of never seeing him again.

When Reanna arrived at the hospital in the UK, she was a complete mess. She had barely slept or eaten, and her clothes were wrinkled and stained with tears. She stumbled into the ICU, searching for Enrique. She didn't even know if she was allowed to be there, but the fear of losing him overshadowed everything else.

When she saw him lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to machines and wires, her heart broke into a million pieces. He looked so vulnerable and fragile, and it was almost unbearable for her to see him in this condition. She took his hand and whispered his name, hoping that he would wake up. But she knew that she had to be strong for him.

For hours on end, Reanna sat by Enrique's side, holding his hand and talking to him. She didn't know if he could hear her, but she prayed that he could. She told him how much she loved him and how much he meant to her. She made promises to never leave him and to always be by his side.

As the night progressed, Reanna's weariness caught up with her. She rested her head on the bed's edge and shut her eyes, holding onto Enrique's hand tightly.

After several hours, a nurse gently shook her shoulder, waking her up. "Ma'am, it's past visiting hours. You need to leave now," the nurse informed her in a soft tone. 

Reanna refused to leave, insisting that she wanted to stay until Enrique woke up. "Please let me be with him. I'll go once he opens his eyes. Please," she pleaded with the nurse.

The nurse sensed the desperation in her voice and allowed her to stay a little longer. 

She gently stroked his hand, feeling the warmth of his skin, and silently prayed for a miracle. She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Enrique's forehead. "I love you, Enrique. Please wake up soon," she whispered softly, hoping her words would reach him. 

Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about how much she loved him and how much he meant to her. She couldn't imagine a life without him, and the thought of losing him tore her apart.

And as Reanna sat by Enrique's side, her mind wandered back to the day they first met. She remembered the way he had smiled at her and how his eyes had sparkled with a mischievous glint. She had been drawn to him from the moment they had locked eyes. 

She reflected on all the qualities that had endeared Enrique to her - his quick wit, his boundless enthusiasm for life, his loving nature, and his compassionate spirit.

Her mind couldn't help but wander to the life they had dreamt of together. For Reanna, there was nothing more important than Enrique. She had no interest in fame, status, or power or anything else; all she desired was to be by his side, to love him and be loved in return, and to build a life together with him. Have a family with him, our kids, our home with his stupid typewriter and record player, completed with our dogs, whom he would give some silly names.

As she sat beside him in the hospital, watching him fight for his life, she knew that she would do anything to see him wake up and recover. She was even willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and lay down her own life if it meant ensuring his survival.

To Reanna, love was the most significant and meaningful aspect of life, and for her, that love meant only Enrique.

Reanna didn't know what the future held. She didn't know anything else. But she knew one thing for sure: she would never stop loving him...

Love hath no meaning, For most who would never.

Fall into the realms, And experience it forever.

Loneliness was hence, But everyone's cup of tea

No one realised, How happy they could be.

Feelings were what, A mother had for a baby

Could it mean more? Oh possibly, maybe?

And then the God of Love, Shone down from the skies

Cupid got them all, Right in their eyes.

A world of emotions, True were my rarest dreams.

Now every cottage Love surely gleams. 

Inspired many poets did, The Lakes and the night sky

The world now romanced, Yet unhappy was I

True did I love seek, Truer still would I give

Seeking that Special Someone, For whom I would live

I looked high and low, Lakesides and taverns too

But none could maketh smile, Me the way you do - with love Enrique to My Love Reanna 

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