Chapter 13

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The next morning, Reanna dialled Rafe's mobile. He answered on the second ring.

"Valdez," he said.

"Hi, Rafe, this is Reanna," I said.

There was a brief pause on the phone before he spoke.

"Hello, Reanna. What can I do for you." He asked

"I was wondering if you are free today. Can we meet?" I asked him

"Is it something important?" He asked

"No, nothing urgent I just wanted to meet you for a few minutes. I can come over to your office, or we can go for lunch. Anything that suits you," I said.

"I am tied up today. Lunch will not be possible. But if you can make it around 12:30 noon to my office, we can meet." He said

"Sure. I will see you then," I said and disconnected the call.

I reached Rafe's office at the designated time. The receptionist had my name with her, so she gave me a card key to reach Rafe's 75th floor. A little uncertainly, I got out of the lift on the top floor and walked towards the door marked 'Personal Assistant to the Managing Director.

A woman was sitting behind the desk wearing a black sheathed dress and a slim-fitting shift. A natural redhead, I guess. She seemed confident and attractive.

As I approached her, she looked at her watch and said: "You must be Reanna."

"How do you know me?" I asked.

"Oh, I am Joanna Rafe's secretary. It's my work to know everybody and everything. Let me buzz him, " she called him on the intercom. "Rafe. Reanna is here," she listened to what he said on the phone and then replied, "I'm sorry. I don't have a photographic memory like you, but my brain is too busy being awesome. Yes, I will do that and don't worry, I will handle it for you like I always do."

After replacing the phone, she smiled at me and said: "Rafe will join you in his office." She directed me to the director's suite. 'You can go in,' she informed Reanna. 'That door over there...'

As I stepped into the office, the bright sunlight streaming in through the large windows momentarily dazzled me. All I could make out was the hazy outline of a man standing in front of the glass with his back to me in the adjacent room, the brilliance of the sunlight making it impossible for me to see anymore. When I came closer to the window, it was like he was standing right next to me, if not for the glass separating us. I saw Rafe shaking hands with a few clients and ending the meeting.

Rafe Valdez: a name that elicits a knowing nod of agreement from both men and women and now that I'm safe behind those glass doors, I can properly look at him without his piercing eyes peering into mine. That charismatic man looks great in a suit!!

He was wearing a classic Armani business suit, a wool blend with a touch of silk for that extra nod to luxury, a two-piece with side vents and polished details with sharp close-cut peak lapels, a blue silk tie with a half Windsor knot, a Patek Philippe chronograph watch, and Cartier cufflinks with his initials. His broad shoulders and narrow waist give a strong overall shape to his magnificent physique, creating a powerful but contemporary silhouette perfect for his disarming persona.

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