Chapter 15

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On my way home from Rafe's office, I got a message from my dear friend Emily, who was getting married.... Oh, that's so sweet. Emily and Christiano will be so happy. Wait, it's not Christiano. Who is he? It's Mr. Stark. Is she out of her mind?

Why is she marrying Mr. Stark and not Christiano...?

I went to see her.

"Emily, what is this? Why are you marrying Mr. Stark, and where is Christiano? How can you marry someone you don't love? " I asked her.

"Hello to you too, Reanna," she said.

"Emily, are you OK? Is anyone pushing you into this marriage, you can tell me? I know how much you love Christiano. He is also crazy about you. Tell me what happened? Tell me how you can marry someone you don't love?"

"Grow-up, Reanna. Love can't keep you alive. Christiano is a great man, but he won't be able to give me this...." She said while gesturing to her princess-like lifestyle."

"What do you mean by that? Christiano is doing decently for himself. He is a great-looking man, and he loves you. What else do you need?" I asked her.

"I don't want to step back into my life. I want to go forward. Christiano is worlds apart from my current lifestyle. Have you seen his house? Have you seen his car? He is still getting treated in a government hospital. How can you expect me to be admitted to some dirty government hospital while I am giving birth to your babies when I can be treated in one of the best hospitals in the country? My friends will make fun of me.... My brothers and relatives won't respect me.... Because it's true, you have no money and people will look down on you; the more money you have, the more people will look up to you. "

"What are you saying? Have you gone crazy? Your father is wealthy. He will support you as he supported your brother Adam. You will not have to give up on your lifestyle and still marry the man you are in love with. "

"Reanna Adam is his son, and I am his daughter; there is a difference."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"The son gives parents a return on their investment, whereas daughters are the liabilities. My parents are pampering Adam because they know he will provide them with their heir, he will look after them when they get old, and he will be the one to whom my father will give the keys when he retires. So, if they don't treat Adam well, he will not treat my parents well once he has the power and they get old. And where I am concerned, I will be out of their sight and out of their mind once I am married. They are not concerned about what happened to me and my life, as it will not be their destiny, but for Adam, if anything goes wrong with him, it goes wrong with them."

"Emily, you are just overthinking it."

"Am I Reanna? My mother was a street artist. She used to stay in one dirty room till she married my father, and today she has everything without even working for a single day ever again. And you know what happened to my father's sister? My father's sister was like a princess. My father used to adore her, but ironically, she didn't understand the value of money and gave more importance to love and married a school teacher because she thought love without money was fine with her but not without love, and my father promised to support her. And today my mother drives a Mercedes, whereas she has to wait every day in long queues of public buses. She is frustrated with her life and with her daily routine of work. She lost her beauty and her talent. My father tried setting up a business for her husband thrice, but you can't teach a schoolteacher to run a business. He gifted her the Mercedes, but the school teacher couldn't afford to put petrol in the car daily. And now, my father, with his wife and kids, accepted the fact that it was my sister's destiny that she had to live this way. She is faded and forgotten. She is not important anymore. Her kids, not Wharton or Harvard educated, but community college passed out. My aunt's husband adores her, but now they fight so much on everyday issues that nothing is left anymore. What was her mistake, Reanna?" she asked.

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