Chapter 5

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As I left the theatre, a crowd gathered backstage to seek my autograph. In the crowd, a blonde leaned against the wall and gave me that look. I returned to my car to get away from the chaos. I asked the driver to take me to a tavern in London's bylanes where nobody would recognise me. The driver took me to The Flask, Highgate. As you'd expect for an old pub, it's small and pleasant, with an open fire in the corner. Then I ordered a drink. I felt someone nearby. It was the same blonde outside the auditorium. She stared at me briefly, then winked.

"Are you going to buy me a drink?" She asked, biting the corner of her lip.

I looked at her from head to toe. She was dressed for her role. She was pretty, and her fingers were well manicured. I turn my head slightly.

"Are you following me?" I asked her, looking straight into her eyes.

"So, you noticed me outside the auditorium..." She smiled again and leaned closer.

"Don't you think I deserve a drink to know where I can find you..." She said in a low voice.

I would give that to her, not many people can find me easily. After the exhaustion from the concert, I needed a distraction. Plus, the memories will not let me sleep if I don't have someone warming my bed tonight. I signal the bartender to serve the lady a drink on my behalf. She leaned in to thank me for the drink and lingered a little longer than necessary; I guess she was thinking the same thing I was. We shifted to the corner table and ordered some light snacks for dinner. I could not remember much of the conversation as I had too much alcohol, but at some point, we were dancing and kissing each other. My hands were skimming her tiny waist, and her eager hands ran up and down my back. We were ready to leave for my hotel for a wild night. I left some notes to cover our bills and a hefty tip. She held on to me as we collected our coats to get out of the pub fast.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a person's face on the TV screen as I walked out of the pub, but it was just for a split second before it was gone. It's like cold water on my face, bringing me back to my senses, my reality. It's like déjà vu. I ran to the TV screen to look closer, leaving the blonde behind. Is it her, or am I imagining things? It couldn't be her, but it was just for a second. I cover my face with both my hands in a sign of frustration and open my eyes again to register the things going on in front of me. It can't be her...

And suddenly, at that moment, it occurred to me to hurriedly check my pockets, but they were empty without thinking. I rushed out of the pub. I heard someone calling my name, but I didn't care... I can't lose it. I took the keys to the car from my driver and rushed back to my room. All the while I was driving, my mind was playing tricks, asking whether it was her or just my imagination. I hurriedly opened my room's door, and there, at the corner, lay the old tattered keychain. When I saw it, I dropped to my knees and grabbed it in my hand;

I didn't know why my eyes were moist as I held it against my heart...

"Why'd you have to go... I loved you..."


Somewhere back in New York...

Reanna awoke to a room filled with bouquets of red roses and lilies; her room was large, with tall glass windows and white décor; the red roses stood out against the minimalist white décor. She turned to see a single red rose on the pillow beside her with a note on Rafe's side.

She picked up the note. It says, "Love knows no boundaries other than those we impose on it. Every time I see you, I feel a little flame in my heart that lights up because... I Love You! Happy Valentine's Day, My Love. Rafe "

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