Chapter 6

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Sometimes parents don't realise but they mess up our definition of love for life...

"Reanna... Reanna... Sweetheart, where are you?" called out her mother.

A little girl cried and hid in the corner of her room with a piece of paper next to her heart. She's barely five years old, with angelic expressions and her hair in a ponytail, and she's just started to write.

Reanna loved to paint and painted the walls in her room with beautiful scenery of large trees, a small house in between with two windows and a chimney; three birds were flying in the sky with the sun smiling down on them. Her room was full of pictures, small clay models, thousands of paintings she made herself, and paper crafts. In a corner, she had certificates she won at school for the beautiful things she had created.

She used to love creating new things with the stuff around her, dancing to new songs and dressing in costumes. She always made small cards for people on their birthdays and anniversaries with her set of crayons and water paints. She adored her mother, father, grandparents, aunt, uncle, and everyone else; they all loved her. She was a pampered child who could win hearts with her innocent smile and kind heart.

But she doesn't understand one thing... Why do mom and dad fight... Why is Mom crying and Dad upset? Her parents' shouting makes her terrified to sleep next to them. She slept with her aunt, fearing another quarrel that might start. At midnight, her dad would come and carry her. He knew it was the only time he could spend with his daughter when he would be free from work. She would pretend to sleep as she was afraid to be alone with her parents, fearing that there might be another big fight tonight. She would keep her eyes tightly closed and pray to God to give her one older brother. She heard the older brothers protect their little sisters and fight for them. "God, please give me my elder brother, who can tell mom and dad not to fight and love each other as other mommies and daddies do." She would chant this like a mantra every night.

They are not bad. Her mother would bring her favourite dresses and take her to a zoo, as she loves to watch deer and rabbits. There was not a single trip where her father would not return to her to show her the presents and chocolates he brought from the big city. They love her, and she loves them, but they have their own lives and their issues as a couple, and they think she is too young to notice or understand when she is pretending to sleep, or they don't care in their rage for each other.

"Sweetheart, I am sorry. Please stop crying. We didn't mean that. " said her mother, trying to take her in her arms and wipe her tears away.

Reanna backed away, hiding further in the corner, and replied, "Why do you ask me such questions? I told you I can not live without both of you. Why do you ask me whom I love more so I can stay with Pappoús or Mommy? "

Her mother said, "I understand that, sweetheart. Stop crying first and come out."

"No, I will not come out. You and Pappoús always fight. You promised me you would not fight with him again." Reanna said.

"Yes, I promised you, and I am sorry I can't help myself. I am not able to bear it myself. It hurts too much."

Her father enters the room. "Reanna, why did you run away from the room? I asked you a question?"

Reanna didn't reply. "Your Mommy and Pappoús can't stay together with each other anymore. It's getting unbearable to live in such a constantly stressful environment. You are a big girl now and must understand that such things happen. You can not control it. Your mother and I want different things in our lives."

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