Chapter 14

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She heard footsteps approaching her.

Rafe and two females enter the room.

The youngest one, I am assuming Rafe's sister, a beautiful dark-haired girl, strode confidently into the room, all sweet, bright eyes with a soft pink glow and a sweet voice. She was tall and dark-haired. Everything about her was immaculately groomed, along with the warmth of her olive skin and her eyes had a warmth too; her hair was elegantly sleeked back, her face free of all but the lightest touch of make-up. And she was wearing a mauve-block coloured pencil skirt with a white mesh top and camisole.

And the older one was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana grey business suit in gorgeous silk. Warm yet calculating. She seemed to be the one who had made lots of sacrifices in her life for her morals and values. Althea Valdez is a strong woman who has made her place in the business world and raised the standards for others. She seemed to be a woman in command of her own life. She is not a woman who needs to be saved. She is a glorious Althea that shows the world what a woman is capable of when it comes to protecting her family and establishing her identity.

He was 10 minutes late as he entered the office. Something about him brought all my protective defences to the fore. an intrinsic quality that went beyond the physical impact of the man.

"I hope you haven't been waiting long. Let me introduce you to my aunt Althea Valdez and my sister Saskia Valdez," he announced, introducing Reanna first to the older of the two women and then the younger one.

I stood to greet them. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Valdez and Saskia," Reanna began, but Althea shook her head chidingly.

Rafe's aunt declared, "You can call me Althea, dear."

And at that moment, Rafe and I both sneezed together

"Bless you both." It seems like you were both drenched in the snow last night. Were you both together? " Saskia said while winking at us, "Both of you caught a cold."

I looked at Rafe, and he was looking back at me. Maybe he remembered our confrontation of the previous night too. Suddenly, the flash of him swaying me away from the car to save my life came to my mind.

Rafe's sister came and hugged me, and she was walking slightly, carefully limping a little. Then I recalled what Rafe told me about his sister and the accident in the hospital. "Finally, I am meeting the famous Reanna. I heard how you made my brother speechless and yelled at him. Omg, I would have given anything to see that. It NEVER happens!!! Sometimes I feel he needs someone to show him his place; he is becoming too bossy. "

"Saskia!" Rafe said, with a warning sign.

"See, he is doing it again! I know he can be Godzilla at times, but I adore him. He is the best brother in the world. " Saskia said.

Reanna looked at the playful exchange between the brother and sister, and clearly, Rafe adores her too. She is warm and outgoing, and I felt an instant liking for her too.

"I understand the emotion." I smiled and whispered in a low voice, "I call him Count Dracula in some of my scary dreams."

Are they really brother and sister? How can such a warm, sweet girl be a sister to someone like Rafe? Why is he always in a bad mood with me?

She gave me a grin and a thumbs-up sign, "It's even better! Obviously, Godzilla doesn't have brains, and my brother is super intelligent with an ego the size of a continent. " She said, turning back to her aunt and Rafe, "I love her, Rafe. She is my kind of a person. " She turned back to look at me and said, "Why don't you come over to the party I am throwing this weekend? You will love it. Bring along your date. Here, take my number. We will finalise the details over the call."

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