Chapter 20

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By the time I got to the Anaya address, my nerves had calmed down thanks to two cups of herbal tea and a firm reminder that getting emotional and dwelling on the past would accomplish nothing. I told myself I needed to be calm and impartial when dealing with this new situation. As I walked down this narrow Cornish street, I couldn't help but notice how out of place everything seemed. Every property had window boxes full of colourful flowers dancing in the breeze. The smell of cinnamon buns was coming out of one of the tiny apartments. People were strolling along the pavement on their way to eat fish and chips or drink dark pints of bitter in one of the iconic pubs close by. Every person turned to glance at me – men and women -as if recognising the new stranger in their midst.

In my state of high anxiety, I was terrified to take the next step into this unknown territory. What if I fail again? What if things become worse? What if I won't be able to cope? I know there are many things I have to change about myself now. I know I am scared... I know the odds are against me, but... I can't give up... Anaya needs me... I have to take one step at a time... before I can start walking again and maybe run one day... I don't know... I am not sure...

After thinking through the HOW, can I increase my energy levels and reach my optimal frequency level? And keep me out of depression and into a more productive state of mind. The only answer I could get was to start with these three things. To begin with...

1) Bring routine and discipline to my life.

2) To set small and measurable daily goals and

3) Every day, I contribute to the development of my mind, body, and soul.

To build my confidence again, I set small goals, but the number of smaller goals was increasing every day.

For example, In week 1, I tried waking up at 5:30 am, setting a morning routine, and charting out my whole day in small activities without leaving myself free or ideal for even half an hour. Waking up early has health benefits, so I wanted to break my habit of waking up whenever I wanted. I wanted to show myself that if I made this a habit, nothing could stop me. I broke all my old habits, which brought me back into depression, and created a new pattern and new habits. . Fresh winds in the morning and a peaceful environment somehow heal me a little every time. Yes, nature has the power to heal you.

I also incorporated a few things into my daily routine such as light exercises, mind-boosting TED talks, downloading apps that can help me improve my lifestyle, reading and listening to audiobooks, self-pep talk, 8-9 hours of proper sleep by 10 pm with a relaxing sleeping routine beginning with a lavender bath, aromatherapy helped me instantly lift my mood.

I went to see the doctor as I can't afford to remain weak anymore. Maybe some deficiency might be the reason for my enhanced mood swings and weak body. I need to have that stamina to be at the top. The doctor found that after whatever I went through, I was severely dehydrated and low on iron, B12, and D3 (some of the vital vitamins essential for health, energetic mind and body). He gave me instant shots of specific vitamins and recommended a healthy, nutritious diet, which I now religiously follow with some crucial vitamins like brain nutrients omega 3 and DHA, ginkgo Biloba, vitamin b and b12, magnesium, etc. I added superfoods to my diet like flaxseeds, wheatgrass, herbs, raw nuts, berries, broccoli, quinoa, and green tea. I was taking small meals every 2 hours to boost my body's energy levels. Magically, changing my diet changed my energy levels too. I was compelling my body to feel energetic. Even though I was still in the middle of the roller coaster emotional ride, I was feeling better. It's true, and you are what you eat.

I got myself a nice relaxing facial, changed my hair into a new hairstyle, and looked at myself in the mirror. I had lost a lot of weight due to stress, and if not emotionally, I was physically a changed person. Someone new was looking back at me from the mirror.

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