Chapter 29

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They didn't understand what was happening to them, but when Reanna and Rafe finally reached the party, their awareness of each other heightened exponentially. Their sole focus was on each other. They were enchanted and under a spell. They moved like two satellites orbiting each other, each compensating for the other's every move, bound by an invisible force. They were separated and yet more connected than ever. They stole glances constantly. The power that binds them together threatened to overwhelm them with its intensity, and even when they spoke to other guests, their eyes didn't fail to find each other. They're satellites, only minutes away from collision.

Reanna had never felt this intensity before and wanted to hide from such strong emotions in Rafe's eyes, but she also wanted to understand what it meant to be part of such a passion. She'd not be able to forget the look on his face. It was as if he wanted to hold me all night long to ensure I wouldn't disappear from his eyes tonight.

Saskia came to me and asked me if I would be willing to participate in the dance competition everyone is planning for tomorrow for the celebrations. She called out to Rafe to join their conversation and asked whether he would be participating. As soon as Rafe joined them, Rafe came to stand next to Reanna, whereas Reanna subtly moved aside to let Ashley stand next to him, and she took a step back. Rafe noticed and didn't like it. Rafe angrily replied, "No, I don't dance," and excused himself.

Reanna could feel the pain in her right ankle as she might have twisted it from the high heels when she fell unconscious. When nobody was looking, she slipped away from the party to the adjacent beach and sat on one of the chairs. The beach was lit with soft candles, like lamps. She took off her sandals and sank her feet into the soft sand, and the chatter behind her faded and the music became a distant hum. Here, the dominant sound was the lap of the sea on the shore. She rubbed her bruised skin.

She didn't know how long she sat there staring through lost eyes. But she knew when she was no longer alone. She is infuriated that Rafe couldn't leave her alone, and more than that, she is afraid to acknowledge her own feelings. "Go back to the party, Rafe. We have nothing to talk about." The moon sent a shaft of light over the ocean.

Without saying anything, he looked at her bruised ankle. He was infuriated with himself! Why couldn't he leave her alone? He was confused why he went out of his way for her every time. Why is she becoming his weakness and destroying the shields he generally has when dealing with the opposite sex? Rafe got down on his knee on the sand next to her ankle, took her hand in his and then put it gently in her lap, out of the way. Then, he sought her permission to lift her foot and rest it on his knees. He held her foot lightly and then softly told her that this would hurt a little. He twisted her ankle gently to the left and then to the right to set it back in place. Reanna's hands grabbed his jacket in pain.

"Is it better now?" he asked, breaking the spell and causing Reanna to remove her hand from his shoulder. He wanted to remove all pain from her life. And when she tried to move her foot, he held her still with one hand and pulled out her gold chain bracelet from his pocket with the other hand. Reanna was surprised to find this bracelet with Rafe. She lost it in the hospital. This is her favourite bracelet, which her grandfather gave her on her 16th birthday.

Rafe showed it to her first without looking at her, and then, meeting her eyes, a silent admission of everything—that he had it all along. Yes, you lost it in the hospital that night, and I found it. It was an admission, yes, that he cared enough to keep it and that he was regretful that he kept it for this long. It was a gift from your grandfather; he's returning it now because her happiness matters more to him, that he'll accept whatever punishment she gives him for this, that she matters.

Reanna stood up from the chair, and Rafe followed her. He took her left hand and clasped the bracelet onto her wrist, placing it where it belonged. Rafe only took two steps away from her before he turned again and watched her twist her hands in confusion, and when she met his eyes, he gave into the feeling. They had been hurtling towards this moment for days, weeks, and months, and he could not resist.

He closed the distance between them, and when Reanna stepped backwards, still frightened from all those feelings, he pursued her and moved forward towards her, matching her step for step until she was backed against a tree. When his proximity made it hard for her to breathe, when she couldn't look into his eyes, he brushed her fringe away from her face in a gesture of reassurance-seeking her approval. He was telling her silently that he wouldn't do anything she would not allow. He will never cross the line. He wants her to trust him...

He cupped her face in his hands and leaned closer. He waited for her to meet his eyes so he could read her consent there. Her lips trembled, and her hand tightened on her dress, clutching it in nervous anticipation. It was like reciting a mantra (whether she should or should not! She doesn't want to be surrounded by those painful feelings again. Rafe is no different. He doesn't believe in love.)

She couldn't handle it. She didn't want to feel it. She ducked under his grasp and ran. Right then, with her feet bare and her emotions exposed. She sprinted along the sand, her hair flying in her face as she ran towards the safety of her hotel villa.

Coward, Coward, Coward!

Each time her feet hit the sand, she heard the word in her head and increased the pace to outrun the noise. And she knew that Rafe got his answer, and he wouldn't follow her back.

Follow the sign. That's what they said! And the worst part was when I reached my villa and found the latest edition of Forbes Magazine sitting on my coffee table with Rafe on the cover page smiling at me. 

Let me be your hero

Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back?
Would you cry if you saw me crying?
Would you save my soul tonight?

Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh, please tell me this.
Now would you die for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms, tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.

Would you swear that you'll always be mine?
Would you lie? Would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
I don't care. You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.

Oh, I just want to hold you.
I just want to hold you, oh, yeah.

Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
Well, I don't care. You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain, oh, yeah.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.

(I can be your hero, baby)
I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain.
And I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero.

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