Chapter 17

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Late Afternoon, Rafe's office phone began to ring, and Saskia was on the other end, reminding him about her upcoming party.

Shortly thereafter, he received another call, this time from his business associate and friend, Larry Koch. Rafe could sense the fear in Larry's voice as he urgently asked for Rafe's help with a pressing matter. He knew something was wrong.

Without wasting another moment, Rafe dialled Hector's number, his trusted chauffeur. He knew he could rely on him, even in the direst of situations. After all, Hector had already proved his worth by returning a hefty sum of cash that was left behind in one of the limos. Rafe made a promise to himself to always take care of Hector and his family, ensuring they received all the recognition and benefits they deserved,  including access to the best possible education for Hector's son. Hector's loyalty and dedication merited nothing less.

"Hector, I need you to pick me up in an hour, and I need you to bring me a tux."

Once again, Rafe's phone rang, and this time, it was a message from Christina. "Hey Rafael, I've made it to the casino. When will you be arriving? The party is in full swing!"

Without hesitation, Rafe replied that he and Ethan, his legal advisor and investment manager, would be joining them within the hour.

Despite his youth, Ethan Kim was a remarkable polymath who excelled in law and finance. After graduating with top honours from law school, he quickly gained recognition in the legal world for his sharp intellect and analytical skills. Rafe met Ethan at the legal conference and was impressed by his legal and financial acumen. Rafe offered Ethan a job as his legal advisor and investment manager, promising him the freedom to pursue his most audacious ideas. Under Rafe's guidance, Ethan thrived, conceiving groundbreaking legal and financial strategies that transformed both industries. 

Rafe knocked on Ethan's office door and waited for a response. Ethan greeted him with a smile.

"What's up, Rafe?" Ethan asked.

"I need your help with something. Can you come with me to the Empire City Casino in half an hour?" Rafe asked.

"Sure thing! What's the plan?" Ethan asked.

"We have a meeting scheduled, and I need you to gather all the information you can on Zhang Yajun beforehand," Rafe explained.

"Got it. I'll start researching right away. Do I need to dress up for this meeting?" Ethan asked.

"Definitely. We need to make a good impression, so wear your best suit. Do you have one here, or do you need to go home and change?" Rafe asked.

"I don't have a suit here, but I can go home and change quickly," Ethan replied.

"No need. I have a spare suit in my car. I knew you wouldn't be prepared for this," Rafe said with a smirk.

Ethan laughed, "Thanks for thinking ahead. I'll meet you downstairs in half an hour."

As they reached and walked through the casino, Ethan gulped down a glass of champagne and poured himself another. "So, are we here for Saskia's party?" he asked.

Rafe shook his head. "No, we're here to assist a friend," he clarified, taking the glass from Ethan and placing it back on the tray.

Entering a private area reserved for high rollers, they spotted Larry Koch at a poker table, hunched over with a nearly empty bottle of whiskey.

Approaching Larry, Rafe gently shook him and said, "Larry, we need to talk."

Larry looked up, his eyes bleary. 

"I heard about what happened. You lost everything," Rafe said, taking a seat across from him.

Larry let out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, I did. I put my company up as collateral for that loan, and now it's all gone."

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