Chapter 7

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I was not ready to fall in love but destiny never gave me a choice... it was meant to happen...

When I was young, I used to believe that nothing was impossible. Things do get difficult initially, but eventually, everyone gets their happiness. Yes, it would require some hard work and maybe a streak of luck, but I knew I was one of those few lucky ones who were blessed. Why? because I knew I was special. Yes, my life was not perfect, but I was not upset. There was only one thing I ever prayed for, and I knew God would listen to me someday. So, I was living my life to the fullest, yet somewhere deep in my heart, I was also waiting for that day when my only wish would come true... Till then, every hardship or happiness in life felt more like a part of the journey and not the end destination.

So, what did I wish for? Well, some people want money, while some want love; for some, it's fame, and for others, it's their unique story...

Well, for me... It's.... (Ahem)

Very few things can make you smile from the inside and make you feel alive... It makes your life worthwhile, but nobody understands what we want and need... to live. Life has its way of teaching us that sometimes what we desire and what we need are two very different things. Sometimes, we get what we want, but it doesn't give us the happiness we thought it would. As life progresses, our desires change with time, and sometimes our helpless situation makes us crave things we never thought we wanted, yet we waste our entire life working towards it.

Are we confused about what we want or what will make us happy? No, we are not... But life won't make it easy for us to answer this question with a mere "yes" or "no" response.

We never realise when that small wish becomes our obsession. We start seeing the world foolishly with rose-tinted glasses and believe that every event in our lives, good or bad, is a step towards fulfilling our ultimate wish. Every action appears to be a divine sign, and every opportunity seems to be an intuition. We never lose hope because no matter what goodness is in us, that belief in us won't die, and we keep believing that something beautiful WILL happen to us in the end.

Suddenly, reality will hit us someday when the outcome is not the same as we magically wanted it to be. All the perceived signs and coincidences were proven wrong again and again. After several heartbreaks and failures, our faith will begin to shake. It would lead us to believe that "I might not be that special after all." We start to question our own beliefs. Are we asking for too much? Is it karma? Why is it not happening? Where am I going wrong? God can't be that cruel... I have only asked for one thing... Please, God, please... Then something terrible happens that destroys us from within, making us lose hope that our wishes will ever be granted. And life will play a joke on you.

Something like that happened to us... A few years ago... To be exact, today, 19 years ago, on November 14th, 1999...

I was 16, a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart... A girl whose eyes were filled with innocence and dreams... I was a princess, and there was nothing that I could not have had in this world... A bright girl, a brilliant student with lots of friends... And many guys whose hearts pined for her, and they wanted to be her "the one." While she had stolen their hearts, none of them could take hers because she was afraid to give it to anyone until he came along...

I remember that night, a lovely November evening; I was walking down the road, enjoying the cool breeze. The soft hue of light was coming from the street lamps. I was standing right next to the bridge, looking over the Thames river. I turned to look around; I saw couples enjoying the lazy night while they sat on the bench holding hands or kids playing with their parents. I saw some youngsters making out in the dark. I saw a lonely man who sat next to a tree shivering in the cold with a cardboard sign in his hand, saying, "Hungry needs help. God bless you. " I also saw a person trembling yet acting and pretending to be a golden statue like Yoda from Star Wars; a few coins were scattered in front of him.

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