Chapter 19

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Enrique took a seat next to his favourite spot at river Thames and sat there looking at the running water and taking out his MacBook Air. Why is nothing working out for me? Life has never been kind to me. Everyone has some or the other complaint about me, whereas I have done everything I can for others. But now, I have had enough of everyone and everything.

I thought nightmares had finally given up on me after I moved to this country, but life is a puzzle. Sometimes it makes us laugh, and sometimes it makes us cry. Sometimes my heart doesn't want to wake up to reality and run after those dreams which I know will be impossible to achieve, yet sometimes I walk far beyond my dreams themselves, where nothing matters because dreams are unreal and shatter easily.

I opened the web browser to surf the internet for exotic locations for my next vacation, which will be soon, to apply for jobs, something nearby and with not too much stress, to look for some business opportunity which will be better than working as an employee and to check on my bank balance, which is dangerously low after I have stopped working for years now to enjoy life. To reply and send messages on the dating websites in the hope of finding the right love or someone for time pass. Some funny videos to cheer up my mood and then looked at some news on the latest gadgets available in the market.

I needed to reply to some emails, and while searching for a particular mail from someone, Gmail opened the search result with names starting with R. Thousands, and thousands of emails were opened by Reanna every day, with 40 to 50 stacked conversations. Some funny ones, some with our fights, some with missing you notes and some with loads and loads of memories.

Why isn't she replying? This had never happened before.... So much has happened between us, but we were never able to remain apart from each other for more than a few days.

I know I have been unfair to her, but why can't she understand that life has been unfair to me.

I opened her picture. She was smiling as she looked at me.



Are you angry with me?


Why aren't you talking to me then?

there is nothing left to talk about

Don't you miss me?

(sad smile) I wish I could stop thinking about you

When did you stop caring? I asked.

When did you start noticing? she replied

Are you teaching me a lesson by punishing me from cutting me off from your life?

I am punishing myself for being away from you, but you left me with no choice.

Come back. I miss you.

I miss you too, but I can't

Why not? Don't you love me anymore?

I don't think I can ever stop loving you, and I've come back so many times before because I loved you, but it ends the same way every time.

Are you happy without me?

Destiny is bigger than happiness.

I lost my best friend. I lost the girl I fell in love with 19 years ago. I lost the good Enrique in me that only you knew. I lost the person who was my strength.

(Tears filled in her eyes) I lost my Enrique, sweets... for me, and I lost everything...

"There you are! Let's go. We are going to be late for the movies," said Charlotte, hugging me from behind.

Before she could look at the laptop screen, I immediately flipped the screen shut. I kissed her on her lips. And then, carrying the laptop with me, I slipped my arm around her waist.

"Yeah, let's go. It's late." I said.

He crumbled the paper and left it behind... the paper on which he wrote a poem after a long time...

On my usual day the small things while I pass by my daily life,

It triggers your memories every time.

In the middle of the night, beneath my pillow,

Our old smiles make me sleep every time...

I know It's not possible for us to meet.

But tell me this much, then.

Why have we met at all then...?

I can't call you, I can't forget you,

So tell me, why is this the case...

Everything is the same, nothing has changed.

Then why do I feel that something is missing?

The sound of your voice isn't there...

I know it's not your mistake, I know it's not my mistake,

Then why are we both walking on different paths then...?

You show you don't love me, you show you don't think about me,

But why don't you come in front of me, and why don't you look into my eyes?

Why do you hate me so much? Is it because you know you still care...??

Everything is the same, nothing has changed.

Then why do I feel that something is missing?

The touch of your hand isn't there...

Everything is the same, nothing has changed.

Then why do I feel that something is missing?

The sound of your footsteps isn't there...

Why, tell me why they aren't there... with me....


Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you.

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