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Pepper stands alone and looks out across the ocean. She sees one of Tony's shattered Iron Man helmets and pulls it towards her, her forehead resting against the helmet's. She sees a red flashing light inside the helmet and as she puts the helmet on she receives the message Tony had left her earlier.

Computer Voice: Stark Secure Server. Retinal scan: Verified.

Tony Stark: Pepper, it's me. 

Pepper gasps and smiles.

Tony Stark: I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So first off, I'm so sorry I put you in harm's way. That was selfish and stupid and it won't happen again.

Later that night as Pepper drives Maya home.

Pepper Potts: Why were you at the house tonight? What was so important that you had to speak to Tony?

Maya Hansen: I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin. So if you still want to talk about it, I suggest that we get ourselves someplace safe.

Pepper Potts: Your boss works for the Mandarin, you think? But Tony says you're a botanist, so-

Maya Hansen: -That figures. What I actually am is a biological DNA coder running a team of forty out of a privately-funded think tank, but sure you can call me a botanist.

Pepper Potts: This boss of yours, does he have a name?

Maya Hansen: Yeah, Aldrich Killian. 

Pepper looks at her in shock. We see Aldrich talking on the phone to Savin.

Savin: Well, we took the house down, sir...

Aldrich Killian: Mmhmm.

Savin: But there's no sign of a body.

Aldrich Killian: I see.

Savin: No Stark.

Aldrich Killian: I have to go. 

Aldrich rises from his seat walks towards another room.

Aldrich Killian: The Master is about to record and he's a little... Well, you know how he gets. Keep your appointment tonight and call me when it's done. 

Aldrich walks into a room which has been set up as a set with all of Mandarin's props in place and camera crew ready to record Mandarin's message.

Aldrich Killian: Alright everybody. No talking and no eye contact, unless you wanna get shot in the face.

We then see the Mandarin arrive with his entourage and enter the house.

Mandarin Look-Out: The Master is travelling. 

The Mandarin arrives on set and takes a seat, he looks at Aldrich.

The Mandarin: Well then. What are we waiting for?

In Rose Hills, Tennessee; Tony, y/n and Harley walk in town at night

Tony Stark: The sandwich was fair, the spring was a little rusty, the rest of the materials, I'll make do. By the way, when you said your sister had a watch, I was kinda hoping for something a little more than that. 

He pulls his sleeve up and we see he's wearing a little girl's Dora the explorer watch, Harley laughs.

y/n: I think it suits you.

Harley Keener: She's six! Anyway, it's limited edition. When can we talk about New York?

Tony Stark: Maybe never, relax about it.

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 2Where stories live. Discover now