I am Iron Man

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Pepper wakes up and gasps.

Aldrich Killian: Hi.

Pepper Potts: You think he's gonna help you? He won't.

Aldrich Killian: Having you here is not just to motivate Tony Stark. It's, um... Well, it's actually more embarrassing than that. You're here as my, um...

Pepper Potts: Trophy

Aldrich Killian: Mmm. 

Iron Patriot walks in and Pepper gasps.

Aldrich Killian: Good evening, sir. 

The armour opens and the President falls out.

Aldrich Killian: Welcome aboard, Mr President. Ever hear of an elephant graveyard? Well, two years ago, the elephant in the room was this scow.

President Ellis: This is the Roxxon Norco.

Aldrich Killian: And, of course, you'll remember that when she spilled a million gallons of crude off Pensacola, thanks to you, not one fat cat saw a day in court.

President Ellis: What do you want from me?

Aldrich Killian: Uh, nothing, sir. I just needed a reason to kill you that would play well on TV. You see, I've moved on. I found myself a new political patron, and this time tomorrow, he'll have your job. String him up.

President Ellis: Hey!

Two stealthy men sneak around the station. Then there's y/n in his light up armour.

Tony Stark: Why does the armour have lights running down the torso?

y/n: It looks good.

Rhodey: Come on. You're not gonna freak out on me, right?

Tony Stark: I hope not.

Rhodey: Oh, my God. He's strung up over the oil tanker. They're gonna light him up, man.

Tony Stark: Viking funeral. Public execution.

y/n: Yeah, death by oil.

Announcer: Broadcast will commence shortly. Take final positions.

Aldrich Killian: Okay. That's good. Now give me cameras A through E and we'll do a full tech rehearsal. 

Rhodey: ls your gun up?

Tony Stark: Yep. What do I do?

Rhodey: Stay on my six, cover high and don't shoot me in the back. y/n you take the perimeter.

y/n: Got it.

y/n sneaks off.

Tony Stark: Six, high, back. Alright. 

Gunfire, bullets ricoche.

Tony Stark: You see that? Nailed it.

Rhodey: Yeah, you really killed the glass.

Tony Stark: You think I was aiming for the bulb? You can't hit a bulb at this distance. 

Rhodey fires a bullet and hits the bulb.

Announcer: All personnel, we have hostiles on east unit 12.

Man: Over there!

Announcer: I repeat, hostiles on east unit 12.

Tony Stark: I'm out. Gimme. You got extra magazines?

Rhodey: They're not universal, Tony.

Tony Stark: I know what I'm doing, I make this stuff. Give me another one.

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 2Where stories live. Discover now