The one inch man

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Quill: This is weird, we got a Sovereign fleet approaching from the rear.

Gamora: Why would they do that?

Drax: Probably 'cause Rocket stole some of their batteries.

Rocket: Dude!

Drax: Right... he didn't steal some of those. I don't know why they're after us, what a mystery this is.

Aleya gives him a look of disbelief.

Quill: What were you thinking?

Rocket: Dude, they were really easy to steal!

Gamora: That's your defense?

y/n: Fair enough.

Rocket: Come on! You saw how that High Priestess talked down to us. Now I'm teaching her a lesson!

Quill: I didn't realize your motivation was altruism. It's really a shame the Sovereign's mistaking your intentions and they're trying to kill us.

Rocket: Exactly.

Quill: I was being sarcastic!

Rocket: Oh, no! You're supposed to use a sarcastic voice! Now I look foolish!

Gamora: Can you put your bickering on a hold until after we survive this massive space battle?

Quill: More incoming!

Rocket: Good, I want to kill some guys!

Rocket screams, fuelled by adrenaline as he pilots the ship's guns to destroy the battle vessels.

Back on the planet, the Sovereign people are all in machines similar to pods you would find yourself in in a racing game at an arcade.

Sovereign Woman: Damn it!

As her ship is blown up her screen flashes red and a mocking tone plays.

Ayesha: What is the delay, Admiral?

Sovereign Admiral: High Priestess, the batteries, they are exceptionally combustible and could destroy the entire fleet.

Ayesha: Our concern is their slight against our people. We hired them and they steal from us? It is heresy of the highest order.

Sovereign Admiral: All command modules... fire with the intent to kill.

The Sovereign's faces light up with evil glee as the order is given.

Quill: What's the nearest habitable planet?

Gamora: It's called Berhert.

Quill: How many jumps?

Gamora: Only one. But the access point is 47 clicks away. And you have to go through that quantum asteroid field.

Drax: Quill, to make it through that you'd have to be the greatest pilot in the universe.

Quill: Lucky for us, I-

Rocket: -I am. 

Quill takes back control of the ship.

Rocket: What are you doing?

Quill: I've been flying this rig since I was 10 years old.

Rocket: I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spacecraft.

Quill: You were cybernetically engineered to be a douchebag!

Gamora: Stop it.

The two fight over the controls like little children.

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 2Where stories live. Discover now