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Ego: You all right, son? I saw your girl stomp off a little earlier in quite a huff.

Quill: Yeah. 

He sighs.

Ego: It's fortuitous... you listening to this song.

Quill: You know...

Quill: Brandy? By Looking Glass?

Ego: A favourite of your mom's.

Quill: Yeah, it was.

Ego: One of Earth's greatest musical compositions. Perhaps its very greatest.

Quill: Yes!

Ego: Peter, you and I, we're the sailor in that song. He came on a summer's day. Bringing gifts from far away. Like the child I put in your mother... or the freedom you brought Gamora. Brandy, you're a fine girl. What a good wife you would be. My life, my love. My lady is the sea. The sea calls the sailor back. He loves the girl, but that's not his place. The sea calls upon him as history calls upon great men. And sometimes we are deprived the pleasures of mortals.

Quill: Well, you may not be mortal, but me...

Ego: No, Peter death will remain a stranger to both of us... as long as the light burns within the planet.

Quill: I'm immortal?

Ego: Mmm-hmm.

Quill: Really?

Ego: Yes! As long as the light exists. 

Quill: And I can use the light to build cool things like how you made this whole planet?

Ego: It might take you a few million years of practice before you get really good at it. But, yes!

Quill: What! Get ready for an 800-foot statue of Pac-Man with Skeletor and Heather Locklear.

Ego: You can do anything you want.

Quill: I'm gonna make some weird shit.

Ego: But you know, Peter, it is a tremendous responsibility. Only we can remake the universe. Only we can take the bridle of the cosmos... and lead it to where it needs to go.

Quill: How?

Ego: Come with me.


Mantis bursts into y/n and Aleya's room to find the dry humping against the wall, y/n sees Mantis and freaks out, falling over.

Aleya: Mantis, is everything okay?

Mantis: No, come quickly!

Mantis rushes them to Drax's room. Drax prefers to sleep in his bed instead of what Romanoff and Fury do in theirs, so they had to wake him up.

Mantis: Drax, Drax. Drax! Drax! We need to talk.

Drax: I'm sorry. But I like a woman with some meat on her bones.

Mantis: What?

Drax: I tried to let you down easily by telling you I found you disgusting. No, that's not what I...

Drax begins to retch.

Mantis: What are you doing?

Drax: I'm imagining being with you physically.

A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 2Where stories live. Discover now