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As the five Guardians, Ego and Mantis leave the ship, we see the psychedelic landscape of Ego's planet.

Ego: Welcome, everyone, to my world.

Quill: Wow. You have your own planet?

Ego: Come on. No larger than your Earth's Moon.

Drax: Humility. I like it. I too am extraordinarily humble.

Gamora: You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit. What are you exactly?

Ego: I'm what's called a Celestial, sweetheart.

Quill: A Celestial, like a god?

Ego: Mmm, small "g," son. At least on the days I'm feeling humble as Drax. I don't know where I came from exactly. First thing I remember is flickering... adrift in the cosmos utterly... and entirely alone. Over millions of years I learned to control the molecules around me. I grew smarter and stronger. And I continued building from there layer by layer the very planet you walk on now. But I wanted more. I desired... meaning. "There must be some life out there in the universe... besides just me," I thought. And so, I set myself the task of finding it. I created what I imagined biological life to be like. Down to the most minute detail.

Drax: Did you make a penis?

Quill: Dude!

Gamora: What is wrong with you?

Drax: If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smoosh her!

Quill: I don't need to hear how my parents...

Drax: Why? My father would tell the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice.

Quill: That's disgusting.

Drax: It was beautiful. You Earthers have hang-ups.

y/n: You're so uncultured Quill.

Quill: You're on his side?!

y/n: Who am I to judge?

Ego: Yes, Drax, I got a penis.

Drax: Ha! Thank you!

Ego: And it's not half bad.

Drax: Oh.

Quill: -Ugh.

Ego: I've also got pain receptors, and a digestive system and all the accompanying junk. 

y/n: Why would you make pain receptors when you didn't have to?

Ego: I wanted to experience what it truly meant to be human. As I set out amongst the stars, until I found what I sought. Life. I was not alone in the universe after all.

Quill: When did you meet my mother?

Ego: Not long after. It was with Meredith that I first experienced love. I called her my river lily. And from that love, Peter... you. I have searched for you for so long. And when I heard of a man from Earth who held an Infinity Stone in his hand without dying... I knew you must be the son of the woman I loved.

y/n: Well technically I also fit that description... so does Red Skull actually.

Aleya: Oh god, you believe that stupid theory? 

y/n: Travelling across universes opens your eyes.

Ego: You're from another universe?

y/n: Yup.

Ego: Hmm... we should talk at some point.

Quill: If you loved her, why did you leave her?


A bit of both (Male reader MCU insert) PHASE 2Where stories live. Discover now