Chapter 12

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Aki PoV:

"Please, Aki! Pleeease!!"

"No!" I repeated, trying to shove my sister off of me.

"I'll help you put make up on, you could pass as a college student."

"No!!" I whined.

"Do your older sister this favor." she begged, "You'll meet cute guys~" she smirked, trying to convince me.

"I don't want to. I already like someone."

My sister froze and so did I. She grinned. Uh oh. I shouldn't have said that.

A scary look took over her face, "And who might this 'someone' be?" she approached me slowly and I quivered. "Come on, tell your sweet older sister."

"Mom!" I yelled for my mother, in fear of my sister but, as always, mom ignored our dispute.

"I'll tell Dad about your little crush if you don't go for me."

My dad is very strict. He doesn't want anything interfering with our studies, so he warned us not to get involved with any 'useless things' like love or else he would transfer us to a different school. My sister's so lucky to be in college already.

"You wouldn't." I said, suspiciously.

"Oh~ Do you think I wouldn't be capable of doing it? Think again dummy." She picked up her phone and started dialing Dad's number.

"No!" I tackled her, trying to reach for her phone.

"Fine! Fine! I'll go."

"Thank you!" she squealed and hugged me tightly."

"Come to my room, I'll do your make up."

My older sister is really pretty, so she gets asked out to mixes very often. She accepted to go to this mix but meanwhile she got a boyfriend, so she can't go anymore. However, now she thinks it's rude if she doesn't show up, so she is making me do it. I've never gone to a mix and I can barely talk to people, how does she expect me to pull this off?


I arrived at the meeting point and waited for people to show up. I don't even know what these people look like.

"Ah, you're here already?" I looked behind and saw three tall guys walking side by side. "Hey cutey, what's your name?"

C-cute? No one's ever called me that before. Does my sister know these guys? They look kind of shady, but their age seems about the same as hers.

"U-um, are you here for the mixer?"

"Mixer?" they looked at each other and seemed to grin. It's only my imagination, right? Yeah, I can't get scared now or sis will tell Dad.

"Yeah, sure. We're here to take you to the mixer."

"Oh, it's not here?"

"No, it's a little further away, but it's okay, we'll take you."

I followed the guys as they lead me to a black car.

"Are there going to be girls too?" I asked, worrying.

"Yeah, they're right inside the car, waiting for you."


I thought I heard a familiar voice as I passed by the park, but once I looked I only saw three guys. I then recognized them as some of the freshmen from when I was in college. They must be up to no good.

The same familiar voice showed up again and I looked back at the guys. There was a girl with them. Her familiar short hair, childish voice and small body.


What's she doing with those guys? Not again... How naïve can this girl be?

I saw them walking her to a car and they opened the door for her. I rushed over and slammed my hand on the car door as I gasped for air while glaring at the guys. They probably didn't recognize me and their eyes widened at my sight. Aki kept looking at me wide-eyed.

I wrapped my arm around Aki's chest and pulled her towards me.

"She's with me." I scowled at them.

I walked away with her, readying myself to scold her.

"Wha- Too bad she's already taken." I heard the guys whine, "She was really cute." As I heard those words, I quickly looked back at them and shot them a menacing glare.

"What were you doing with those guys?" I grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face me.

"I..." I waited for an answer, "My sister convinced me to go on a mix with some people and they told me they were the ones who invited her."

I sighed, "I've told you not to trust everyone you see."

Her eyes began to water. Eh? Why's she crying? They didn't hurt her, did they? I felt confused, not knowing what to do. Had I caused her to cry just by being mad at her?

"I'm sorry." tears came to her eyes and she looked down, trying to hide them.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her towards me. I felt her warmth as she moved closer, resting her head on my chest. "I'm sorry." she whispered again and I tightened my grip on her.

I rested my head on hers and whispered, "Shh, stop apologising."

"But I did the same mistake even though you warned me about it before." she choked on her words and I pulled her closer, wrapping my other arm around her as well.

"Stop." I whispered hoarsely, my head still resting on hers. Aki started hiccuping, trying to hold in her crying.

"I'm sorry." she said once again. Her body shook as she started crying freely. My muscles tensed and I hugged her even tighter.

"Shh, don't cry. It's alright." I ignored the people passing by us and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

Aki pulled closer and rested her arms around my waist. I kept pulling her closer. It seemed as if we were one. I was drowning in her scent, it seemed to rock me gently. She hugged me tighter and I knew she could hear my racing heartbeat.

My body shivered as her hands slowly made their way up my back. She rested one hand just below my neck and the other below it.

Aki slowly lifted her head and so did I. My back remained arched and I could feel her warm breath on my neck. She looked into my eyes intensively and then her eyes lowered, staring at my lips. I wanted to feel her more. As if in a trance, my body lowered and my eyes slowly started closing. The both of us drew nearer and I kept my focus on her shivering, smooth lips.

Our lips touched, but only for a moment. Our eyes then widened and we both pulled apart, blushing. I covered my pathetic flushed face with my hand and she looked away.

There was silence. A long-lasting silence.

"Come on." I said, killing the silence. I held her hand and walked Aki home.

What just happened? It seemed like a spell had been cast upon me. For a student to make me feel this way....


I can't believe I spent 90 minutes writing this instead of studying for my Math test... (T T) I really hope it goes well.

It was really fun writing this chapter ^^ too bad they didn't actually kiss... ;p

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