Chapter 11: Valentines Day

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Today is Valentines Day. I walked down the hallway with girls chasing me like any other day. The only difference was that I was forced to stop every two seconds by girls who wanted to give me flowers and chocolates. How annoying...

I was finally able to reach my classroom and I closed the door quickly before any other girl could come in. Before I could set down the gifts and face my class, all the girls from my class were already bombarding me with even more chocolates. I threw them all onto my desk as I was finally free. Girls interrogated me with dumb questions like, "Sensei, do you have a girlfriend?" or "Sensei, are you free this weekend?"

"Sensei. Sensei. Sensei." so annoying.

I accepted all of the chocolates, gifts, and flowers uninterested and set them on my desk. I then looked around the room and my eyes fixed on Aki. She looked nervous. She was almost trembling on her seat and blushing. I wonder if she didn't have the courage to get me anything, being shy as she is.

I walked up to her and asked, "Don't you have anything for me?" I grinned.

Aki blushed and stuttered while pulling something out from her bag, "Y-yeah. Its nothing special, but I made these for you."

Oh, so she did bring me something. Better than the other girls who buy cheap chocolates or give me burnt ones because they can't cook.

"Eh~~?" I grinned and raised an eyebrow.

Aki became even more nervous and stuttered, "It's F-for being a good teacher." she covered up instead of admitting that she loves me.

"Are you sure that's why?" I said provocatively as I got closer to her.

"Y-yeah." she said, closing her eyes and becoming beet red.

I laughed and accepted the pink heart-shaped box and walked back to the front of the classroom, quieting everyone down. I placed Aki's chocolates on my desk next to the pile of other chocolates I got.

"Okay class, today we are learning about Marxism and then I'll give you free time to study."

I turned to the board and picked up the chalk, writing down notes for the students to take. They copied down my notes as I explained to them. I scanned the class as they were copying everything down, making sure they were all taking notes. I wonder what is wrong. Mei is usually always paying attention and raising her hand. This time she wasn't even taking notes. She stared at me as I spoke.

"Mei." I called out to her, waking her up from her daydreaming. "Make sure to take notes."

"Ah! Sorry." she flinched as I called her name.

Crap. Please don't tell me that she also--

"Sensei!" Mei suddenly rose from her seat, blushing. Here it goes... All eyes were on her except for Aki who was looking at me, pouting for not giving her attention.

"Sensei!" she paused. "I... I like you!" Everyone's eyes widened. Some boys whispered to each other, laughing, while the girls hissed at her and frowned because she was able to confess before them. Aki stared at Mei, then back at me, looking worried, probably hoping that I wouldn't accept the confession.

I sighed. "Sorry." When I looked back at Mei she looked heart-broken. In order to cheer her up, I made up some crappy excuse I knew all girls would fall for, "It wouldn't be fair if I accepted your confession when there are so many girls out there I could give my love to." I winked, causing all girls in the class to gasp and giggle as they fell deeper in love with me. All but Aki. For some reason she looked sad. What I had just said had probably removed any possibility of she ever confessing to me.

"You have the rest of the class to study by yourselves." I said. "No chatting."

Matsumoto, a male teacher from the class next door suddenly came barging in. He is almost as annoying as the girls. He is always trying to get the girls' attention but fails every single time. Then, after being denied by all the female students and teachers, he comes crying onto my shoulder.

"Oh wow!" he said, looking amazed. "You got so many chocolates this year! Can I have some?"

"Yeah, sure. Help yourself."

"Really? Thanks!" he moved towards my desk and I tried to ignore him. It was fine to let him eat those chocolates, there was no way I would be able to eat that whole pile. There were enough chocolates there  for one full year.

"Oooh~ This wrapping is pretty. I think I'll start with these." I noticed Aki look up with her eyes wide open and I looked back at him. He had to choose those. He picked up Aki's chocolates and started unwrapping them. I leaped onto him and swiftly stole the heart-shaped box from his hands.

He looked shocked at first but then a smile was formed on his face. "Oooh~ Sensei." he began being an idiot as usual, "Who gave you those to make you so mad?" All the girls started staring with mad faces, wondering about who had given me those chocolates.

I was furious and pushed him out of my classroom, "Just leave."

"Can't I at least have one?"

"No." I said as I slammed the door on his face.

Everyone stared at me and I cleared my throat. "Carry on with your studying."

I looked back at Aki and she was looking down at her notebook, smiling. I sighed. That was a close call.

I unwrapped the carefully wrapped box and tasted one of the chocolates. "Uuuah! Delicious!" I said as I noticed Aki looking at me. I turned to face her and she blushed furiously. These chocolates were much better than the ones that the other girls make me and Aki made them. I gobbled them up, leaving only one behind. As the bell rang, I walked up over to Aki and grabbed the left over chocolate.

"Hey, Aki." she and her friends looked up at me.

"See you in third period Aki." her friends giggled as they left the room. Oh, so she already told them about her feelings for me...

"Thanks for the chocolates, they were great."

"Th-thanks." she said, blushing.

"There's still one left. Do you want it?" I asked extending my arm out to her.

"N-No thank you. It's for you, Sensei."

"Oh, come on." I grabbed the chocolate gently with my teeth and brought my face close to hers. "Here. Come and get it." I teased to see her reaction. Aki blushed immensely and became flustered. Her eyes opened widely and she let out a quiet, "Eh?"

"Just kidding." I smiled as I gobbled up the chocolate.

Aki pouted cutely and I laughed. I then patted her head and left the room.

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