Chapter 16: Class Trip (3rd Day: Part 2)

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"The next activity is a scavenger hunt." I announced. Everyone threw looks of disgust and boredom at me. It's not like I'm enjoying any of this either...

"Teams will have a list of questions to answer and they must search as a whole team for each of the answers." I emphasized this part, knowing they will probably try to separate in groups to find the answers quickly, "The answers will also contain a clue for the next location your group must go to."

"You have three hours to complete this scavenger hunt. All teams must be back at the meeting point by 4PM whether you have completed all questions or not." I announced, "Remember not to separate from your supervisors and good luck!"

All groups gathered and collected their papers, setting off for the hunt.

I was actually not the one who prepared this activity, so I have no clue what the answers are. I wonder what kind of riddles the principle came up with since he was so enthusiastic about this activity...

"Hey, Uzuki, don't you want to put down that book? You might trip and get hurt."

She shook her head, not taking her eyes off the pages. I wonder what kind of book she reads... Romance? Nah, she doesn't look like that type of girl... I tried peeking at the cover of the book, but she wouldn't let me. 

We then all heard a grumbling noise and looked towards Eiko. "Wh-what? I'm hungry okay?!"

"We just left the campsite..." Tamika said, rubbing her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Ha!" We looked up to see Takenaka pointing at us and laughing from the top of a hill, "You guys are still there? We already found the first clue!" He shot his tongue at us, provoking Eiko.

"Let's go!" Eiko said, determined, "We've got to beat that brat!"

"Look who's talking." Tamika and I said in synchrony. We looked at each other in surprise and she looked away in disgust.

We all hurried behind Eiko up the hill and searched around until we found our first clue. Eiko picked it up and read it aloud, "When you buy me I'm black, when you use me I'm red, and when you throw me away I'm gray?"

"What the hell?" she complained "How are we supposed to guess this?"

"Just think and be quiet." I told her as the rest of us thought in silence. She crossed her arms and made silly faces at me. We stood a bit, looking at the paper, no thoughts coming up to my head.

"Really?" Tamika said in a conceited attitude, "None of you are able to figure this out?"

I felt annoyed, "And you have?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course." she crossed her arms with pride, looking down on us, "It's the charcoal."

Eiko quickly wrote the answer down on the paper and Chihiro and Aki congratulated her. As if she'd figured it out that long ago. She would've said it before.

"So what? Now what do we do, after finding out the answer?"

Charcoal, huh? Where would that lead us?.... "Ah!" a light bulb lit up in my head. "The campsite! The place where we ate snacks around the fire!"

"Let's go then!" Eiko started running, suddenly enthusiastic about this activity - only to beat Takenaka. We followed behind.

I then noticed how Aki had been quiet since the activity started. I slowed down to walk at her pace beside her. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" I bent down and asked her.

Her face turned scarlet and she nodded.

I sighed. Why does she have to be so shy all the time? "Are you sure?" I insisted. She nodded once again. "You know, I won't be angry if you ask for help once in a while. It's actually quite the opposite."

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