Chapter 6

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The next week, I assigned the class a group project. They were to recreate the Byakkotai role in the Boshin war. I instructed the students to form groups of two.

I looked over at Aki and her friends. They are five, I wonder how they'll split. As usual, Aki was the one to leave the group and searched for someone else to team up with.

Tamika grouped up with Uzuki, as expected - the two silent girls together - and, to my surprise, Eiko and Chihiro teamed up. This will not end up well... Chihiro and Eiko are complete opposites, Eiko is a tomboy always looking for a fight and Chihiro is the kind of girl that loves make-up and only cares about boys. They are always fighting. I will have to put up with this for one whole week... Next time I should be the one making the groups.

"Aki, Aki!" I heard a cheerful voice calling. Yuki was happily jumping around Aki. "Do you want to be my partner?"

Aki looked confused but then smiled, "Sure!"

Couldn't she have found a girl instead? I watched as the boy cheerfullyconversed with Aki. She obliviously went along with his conversation. Why is he suddenly acting like this towards Aki? Is he just playing with her, or maybe making fun of her? I observed them suspiciously.

The students were discussing their projects lively. Some decided to write a script and perform a play in class, others decided to make a video. I gave them a whole week to finish the assignment. They were all looking forward to presenting this project.

Soon, the bell rang, announcing the end of class.

During lunch, most of the students sat together with their partners discussing ideas for the project.

"Aki, Aki!" that annoying voice again... "Let's sit together and talk about the project." he said lively. Isn't he acting too attached?

Yuki separated Aki from her friends and the two of them sat together, eating lunch.

Soon, other students were making fun of them, singing children's songs about lovers. I walked behind them and boppedeach of them on the head, putting an end to their childish acts.

Aki started noticing that I was looking at her and she looked confused and sad, probably worrying that I would think that she likes Yuki. After that, I stopped looking at them.

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